Definition of


The etymological origin of the term concise is uncertain. So much so that there are different theories about it. Thus, on the one hand, there are those that establish that it could come from the Vulgar Latin “scolpt” and, more specifically, from the verb “exscalpere”, which can be translated as “to tear from the earth”.

However, on the other hand, there are theories that indicate that the word in question derives from the Latin “scotus”, which means both “Scottish” and “Scottish”.

Bare is an adjective that is used to describe what is limited, empty or dry . The conciseness lacks superficial elements and ornamentations , although sometimes it also lacks important elements.

Among the synonyms that exist for concise we can highlight some such as strict, bluntly, direct, uncovered, unambiguous or unembarrassed. On the contrary, among its antonyms are words such as baroque, bombastic, long, ornate or prolix, among others.

ShortFor example: “Through a brief statement, the provincial government announced the cancellation of the assistance program for victims of gender violence,” “In the tournament, the local team achieved a brief harvest of points and was on the verge of relegation.” ” , “The singer announced the news with a brief message on his Twitter account” .

At a general level it can be said that the brief lacks details : it limits itself to presenting what is strictly essential . Suppose that the Minister of Economy of a country announces his resignation with the following note: “I hereby inform you of my unavoidable resignation from the position assigned to me on March 6.” As you can see, the text does not explain the reasons for the resignation: it is a very brief message.

The former minister in our example could have developed a much more extensive and not so concise communication: “For reasons of a family nature, I am forced to present my unavoidable resignation from the position assigned to me on March 6. I have fulfilled the tasks that the president ordered me with responsibility, commitment and pride, but right now my son needs my full attention to overcome a difficult time. “I thank the president for his trust and I hope I have lived up to the needs of our country.”

In the same way, we cannot ignore that it is also used as an adjective to describe certain people. In that case, when it is used in reference to individuals, what it indicates is that they are dry, direct, that they do not take detours to explain things, that they are simple both in their ways of acting and dressing...

In the cultural field, this term has also been used on numerous occasions to give titles to certain works. This would be the case, for example, of the book “The Brief Questions of the Gospel”, which is written by Ermes Ronchi. It indicates a series of practices and activities that aim to ensure that the person can live with more intensity, passion and freedom what the aforementioned Gospel is.