Definition of


Writing is a system that is used to materialize a language by appealing to graphic signs.

From the Latin scriptūra , the concept of writing is linked to the action and consequences of the verb to write , which consists of putting thoughts on paper or other material support through the use of signs . These signs are generally letters that form words.

For example: "Reading and writing are two skills that every person must develop to integrate into society" , "I love writing: every night I dedicated myself to creating poems and other literary texts" , "Rodrigo has very poor handwriting ." : makes numerous spelling mistakes .

History of writing

Writing can be understood as a system that, through certain graphic signs, allows the materialization of a language . Writing, in this way, makes it possible to develop a type of communication whose most remote antecedents are more than 6,000 years old.

The history of writing has a very remote origin since it is already considered that around the year 3,000 BC in Mesopotamia, and more specifically in the city of Uruk, a writing system appeared that already had a total of 700 very different ones that basically had a commercial function. And they were used to carry out exhaustive control of the wealth that existed in the temples.

However, it must be emphasized that another very important type of writing over the centuries has also been the hieroglyphic, which is considered the oldest, understanding writing with the same concept that we can understand it today. It was characterized, among other things, because it was based on the mixture of pictograms and ideograms.


The term deed can refer to a document that certifies a right.

From the pictographic to the phonetic

With the development of time , writing took on two forms. On the one hand, it is ideographic since it allows an idea to be transmitted. On the other hand, it has a phonetic form when representing sounds.

More accurately we can say that the writings of the whole world can be classified into two categories basically. On the one hand, there would be the pictographic type, which are those in which each drawing represents either a word or an idea. An example of this class would be Chinese writing.

And on the other hand we come across the so-called phonetics, which are those in which the sound with which a word in question is pronounced in the various languages ​​is represented. A perfect example of this type would be Spanish.

In this class we have to emphasize that it is divided into two subcategories. Thus, we find syllabic writing, in which each sign represents a syllable, and phonetic writing where what each sign does is show the sound of a letter.

Writing as documentation

Another use of the concept of writing refers to documentation that, thanks to the signature of the subject who grants it and the faith given by a notary, accredits a certain right . The term is usually used with reference to the document that attributes ownership of a property to a person: "Tomorrow we will sign the deed and we can take possession of the house," "The authorities demanded that the man show the deed to the home, since that his neighbor accuses him of being a usurper .

When written with an initial capital letter ( Scripture ), the term refers to the Holy Scriptures , that is, the Bible .