Definition of



Errata are often used in printed newspapers.

A typo is a material mistake that appears in a printed matter or in a manuscript . The term comes from the Latin word errāta ( "wrong things" ),

The list of errata that is inserted at the beginning or end of a book and that the reader must take into account regarding the necessary amendments to the text is known as errata . In the case of newspapers or periodicals, the errata is usually published the day or edition following the error .

Use of errata

Errata are usually used to correct minor errors (such as a typo or spelling mistake ). When errors are conceptual or affect the construction of a sentence , errata is not sufficient and the work must be reprinted.

For example: a news story is published in a newspaper whose headline indicates that a 56-year-old man has died in a traffic accident. However, the victim was actually 60 years old. Therefore, the next day, the newspaper must publish an errata correcting the news and clarifying the correct age of the deceased man.

Another example of typo: "The emperor, amused by the jester's performance, began to applaud" is a phrase that is published in a novel. To correct the error, the publisher includes a list of errors at the end of the work and the correct sentence is published: "The emperor, amused by the jester's performance, began to applaud."


Errata are not common in digital publications since errors can be easily corrected.

Wrong information

It is important to make clear that on many occasions what errata is is often confused with error faith and they are different issues. Thus, the first is that set of infractions, basically of a typographical nature, that are committed in the printing of a publication of various types and that are attempted to be resolved by adding a sheet where they are reported.

On the contrary, faith of errors is all that group of erroneous information that usually deals with the content and that appears in newspapers, journals and magazines. Those lead to the publication itself seeing the urgent need to publish the appropriate rectifications and clarifications. The "Letters to the Editor" section is often the one that usually tells of these types of mistakes.

It is interesting to note that in digital media the inclusion of errata is not frequent since the contents can be edited at any time without major complications for the author.

Editorial Errata Naturae

In addition to all of the above, we cannot ignore the existence of a company that uses the term that we are now analyzing. This is specifically the Editorial Errata Naturae , which is identified by being independent and characterized by having collections where culture in general is welcomed.

More precisely, we can determine that both cinema and philosophy, science, art or politics have a place in this company, which also advocates for various literary genres. By this we mean that it has publications of both a narrative and poetic, theatrical or essayistic type.

And, in this way, it is considered that readers can find in it everything that interests them about a given subject.