Definition of



Erosion is the wear and tear produced on a surface due to the action of external agents.

From the Latin erosĭo , erosion is the wear and tear that occurs on the surface of a body by the action of external agents (such as wind or water) or by the continuous friction of other bodies.

Erosion is part of what is known as the geographic cycle , which encompasses the changes that a relief undergoes due to the action of different agents. It is the process of wear of the parent rock by exogenous geological processes. These processes that cause erosion can be wind, water currents, temperature changes or even the action of living beings. This means that animals can cause erosion by eating grass, for example.

About erosion

Likewise, it must be made clear that there are a series of factors that determine that the erosion process is much faster. Specifically, among them we would highlight, for example, the relief of the area itself because if it has a relatively steep slope this action will be facilitated.

In the same way, the type of surface is also essential to achieve this acceleration of erosion. And based on its rock and if it has vegetation of different types, it will allow the process that concerns us now to be favored to a greater or greater extent.

Thus, for example, it is perfectly clear that any surface that has a type of vegetation will have a much easier time avoiding or slowing down erosion to a certain extent. And that, among other things, will serve to protect the surface not only from the action of the wind but also from the flow of water.

And that is where the action of man takes on a very relevant role, which also becomes a fundamental factor in the erosion process. And through certain acts of his, the aforementioned can be accelerated. A clear example of this is the action of the farmer who destroys the vegetation on a piece of land or when he grows various crops .


Erosion can be classified in different ways.

Classification according to type

There are two main types of erosion according to their effects. Progressive erosion or geological erosion develops naturally over the years due to the action of some of the factors already mentioned (wind, rain, snow, heat, etc.). Accelerated erosion , on the other hand, develops more quickly and its effects are noticeable in a short time. This type of erosion is usually caused by human actions.

As for the causative agent, we can talk about water erosion (due to the displacement of water, it includes marine erosion and river erosion ), glacial erosion (common in the mountains), wind erosion , karst erosion , biotic erosion or volcanic erosion .

Other uses of the term erosion

It is also important to establish that when we use the term erosion we may also be referring to the superficial injury that a person suffers in their epidermis as a result of an agent of various types.

In another sense, the term erosion can be used symbolically to refer to the erosion of influence or prestige that a person or an organization may suffer: "Cases of corruption contributed to the erosion of the government's credibility."