Definition of



The epilogue can appear in the final section of a fiction book.

The epilogue is what closes an exhibition; It allows for a recapitulation on a topic that has been discussed at length, as a conclusion . It is usually found at the end of the last part of a work of fiction or conclusively at the end of an essay .

From another point of view, the epilogue - which comes from a Latin word derived from a Greek word - can also refer to additional notes that do not belong to the main events narrated in the work, but that can greatly contribute to the understanding of the story. the same.

If you want to know the meaning of the term in depth, it is important to note that it is made up of two parts: epi ( about ) and logos ( discourse ). In the field of rhetoric , therefore, this word refers to the final part of a speech , whether oral or written. While the prologue is the introduction to the topic that will be discussed, the epilogue closes any loose ends and concludes the speech so that those who receive it can understand it in its entirety.

A book that analyzes a part of the history of a country can include in its epilogue events that occurred in other parts of the continent or the world but that have influenced the situation in that country in some way.

These facts can also serve to guide the reader if they do not have prior knowledge about the country in question and to establish analogies with the era being talked about. This type of annex allows us to frame the historical situation of that nation and collaborate with the understanding of the text on a large scale .


The closing of an exhibition is called an epilogue.

The term in oral discourse

In an oral speech , in this part the various topics that have been discussed are reviewed and associations are established between them. In that sense, the epilogue serves as a link so that listeners understand why it was necessary to talk about the different points that were presented.

In narratology (science that studies the various parts of a narrative ) the epilogue must meet a series of conditions to be considered as such; They depend on the type of work that has been developed and the objectives that are had with it. However, the fundamental point that should not be missing from any epilogue is its conclusive and totalizing quality . This does not mean that a person can find out the plot of the work by simply reading the epilogue, but it does mean that the fundamental points of the work must be present in this part. Furthermore, the author can use this last chapter to explain those things that at first glance have remained unfinished.

It should be noted that the purpose of this annex to the work is to add knowledge about those events that take place once the main plot has been completed. In the case of sagas, for example, through the epilogue the authors can advertise future appearances.

Regarding the way in which they are written, many times the same style as the rest of the work is done, but on other occasions it can take shape from the speech of one of the characters, which gives it a extremely striking touch because it breaks with the discourse to which the reader was accustomed.

An example of the latter is the epilogue of "The Tempest" , by William Shakespeare . In it, Prospero , one of the characters, takes the floor to address the audience directly to announce that the play has ended. This new speech breaks with the structure of the work and gives it a decorous touch at the end .