Definition of


LeanThe concept of lean comes from the Latin word exsuctus . The first meaning mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) in its dictionary refers to someone who is skinny and has little meat . For example: “The man's thin appearance caught the police's attention,” “The actor surprised with his thin appearance,” “Although he is somewhat thin and does not stand out for his height, he is a strong player with good technique.” .

One of the expressions that include this term is lean face , widely used in certain regions to describe a person whose face has prominent bones due to a lack of flesh, resulting in a dry and severe look. In other words, the thin-faced individual has a very small face and his features are easily outlined because his bones stand out.

It is curious that the thinness that characterizes thin people is often related to their way of being, simply because their physical appearance incites observers to have a certain idea about their personalities, even though they do not have enough elements to know if they are in good shape. the truth. In general, and unfortunately for these individuals, it is believed that they are not very friendly, rather harsh in their treatment, and this is rooted in the language itself.

In fact, one of the meanings of the term lean that is exposed by the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy defines it as "scarce and parsimonious, in his words and in his works." Although this is a meaning that is no longer used in our language, it shows that at some point in history it was difficult to separate the physical appearance of wiry individuals from their supposed personality .

On the other hand, there is the adverbial phrase a pie enjuto , which means moving forward in such a way that the feet do not get wet when passing through a place where there is abundant water, although figuratively it is used to describe a way of acting that avoids sacrifices, effort and danger. An adverbial phrase is a fixed expression made up of more than one word that together fulfill the function of an adverb.

The adjective dry can also be used to describe arid land , with a low level of humidity: “Developing an agricultural activity in this dry territory is very complicated,” “The only thing I inherited from my father is a dry field and two poorly fed cows.” ” , “The settlers arrived on this dry land and immediately began to work” .

The morsels that incite the desire to drink and the dry branches that are used to light a bonfire can also be called enjuto, according to the meanings indicated by the RAE .

LeanThe idea also appears in the field of architecture , although it is used in its feminine form. In this case, enjuta is used as a synonym for pendentive and albanega .

A spandrel is a surface that is delimited by the extrados of an arch and the molding of its exterior part. It is also possible to speak of spandrels to refer to the curved surfaces that are between an arch and an imaginary rectangle in which it is contained.

Enjuto Mojamuto , on the other hand, is an animated character created by the Spanish Joaquín Reyes . He emerged in a television program called “Muchachada nui” , starring in short films of no more than two minutes. He then appeared in other television shows and finally became the protagonist of a series broadcast on the Internet .

Enjuto , finally, is a surname shared by the art critic José Manuel Álvarez Enjuto , the politician Lucía Enjuto and the leader Jorge Enjuto , among others.