Definition of



The action of generating new life is called engendering.

The first step we are going to take to know the meaning of the term engender is to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we can state that it derives from Latin, exactly from ingenerare , which is the result of the sum of two lexical components:

-The prefix in- , which can be translated as "penetration."

-The verb generare , which is synonymous with "produce."

Concept of begetting

The verb engender refers to the generation of a new life . People and animals, when they reproduce, produce their offspring.

In the case of human beings, the natural method to generate new beings is sexual intercourse between a man and a woman. In copulation, the man inserts his penis into the woman's vagina. When you ejaculate, you deposit your semen: if a sperm fertilizes an egg, pregnancy occurs. This is achieved when the male gamete (the sperm) and the female gamete (the egg) fuse to form a zygote . For nine months, the zygote grows in the woman's womb, going through different stages: first it becomes an embryo and then a fetus . Finally, childbirth takes place, concretizing the birth of the child engendered by the aforementioned sexual relationship.


Sexual intercourse is the most common method of procreation.

Problems procreating

Sometimes, couples who want to have a child may have problems having one. For this reason, it is considered that, in cases where it is not due to a health issue for the man or woman, it is important that they choose to follow a series of important habits. We are referring to not consuming alcohol or other drugs, not smoking, eating a healthy, complete and balanced diet as well as exercising regularly.

In the same way, it must be taken into account that they are obstacles to causing both obesity and suffering from stress or anxiety.

In addition to everything indicated, it is important that women use what is known as an ovulation calculator because thanks to it they will be able to know which are their most fertile days and, therefore, when it is most recommended that they have sexual relations to achieve the pregnancy.

There are, however, other ways of generating life. Artificial insemination , in vitro fertilization and gestational surrogacy are different techniques that make the birth of a person possible.

Another meaning of engender

The idea of ​​engendering is also used with respect to forming, producing or originating something , whether physical (material) or symbolic (abstract). For example: "All political sectors must work together to generate new laws in accordance with the times we live in" , "Football players should not have attitudes on the playing field that contribute to generating violence in stadiums" , "Experts warn "that humanity would not have to generate so much waste since the planet cannot assimilate it."

For all the above, we can establish that among the synonyms of engender are originate, procreate, generate, produce or cause . On the contrary, its antonyms include frustrate or even abort .