Definition of


Loyalty to a brand

The idea of ​​engagement is usually associated with a user's commitment to a brand.

Engagement is a term that is not part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ). Yes, however, we can find it in English dictionaries. The notion can be translated into our language as "commitment" .

The use of engagement in Spanish appears in the business field, especially in the field of labor relations . The involvement of a worker with their company is known as engagement.

Work engagement

Engagement, in this framework, refers to the identification of the employee with the corporation . When a person is involved and committed to their job, they make efforts and work with enthusiasm, even carrying out actions that transcend their specific obligations. That is why promoting engagement is very important for organizations .

There are various reasons that contribute to the development of engagement. Satisfaction with the work situation that is generated when the subject feels valued, for example, favors engagement. If the individual wants to continue belonging to the company and feels emotionally attached to it, engagement will also have been achieved.

Although it is difficult to quantify the benefits produced by engagement, many specialists maintain that this commitment is reflected in an increase in profitability .

Main advantages

Specifically, we can establish that the main advantages of engagement in the workplace are the following:

  • An increase in sales.
  • A notable decrease in staff turnover.
  • A considerable increase in productivity.
  • In the same way, it is indicated that there is a significant improvement in the service provided to the client in terms of attention.
  • Work engagement also contributes to workers becoming much more involved in the company, proposing not only new ideas and projects but also participating in them in an enthusiastic and committed manner.

Companies seek to promote engagement through social networks.

Engagement vs. burnout

It can be said, in short, that engagement is an emotional or psychological state derived from the bond between the worker and his or her company.

It is sometimes mentioned as the opposite of burnout : while engagement is a positive motivation, burnout means getting fed up with work . With engagement, work activity is not considered a burden or something heavy, but rather a vehicle for personal fulfillment.

The concept in digital marketing

In the same way, we cannot ignore that engagement is also used within digital marketing . In this case, it is used to refer to the closeness that exists between a specific brand and the people who are its clients, users or followers on social networks.

Thanks to this concept, it is not only possible to know what these individuals like to see and do but also to identify the content with which they are significantly involved. In addition, it helps to measure the level of interaction there is with those followers and ideas are acquired to be able to propose new content or projects.

To improve a brand's engagement, you must focus on ensuring that people identify emotionally with the content and the products or services offered and, of course, promote frequent interactions.

It is important to indicate that engagement is not achieved in the short term, but requires sustained actions over time. Engagement involves the consolidation of the brand when the strategies and tasks aimed at seducing the client or consumer are successful.

In some cases, engagement leads to subjects also identifying with the company's messages and values. It should be noted that a distinction can be made between customer engagement and user engagement . When the notion is linked to the customer, it refers to the bond that the person forges with the products or with the company in general. User engagement is more oriented towards communication and interaction with the firm through social networks.

An individual may interact frequently with a brand and not use its products, for example. In turn, another person can buy the products and not follow the firm on social networks.


In the English language, engagement refers to the commitment that a couple establishes to get married.

Engagement as sentimental commitment

In English, engagement is the commitment made by two people to get married . When couples get engaged, they agree to get married.

This engagement or commitment represents a new stage of courtship, which begins when the couple has firmly decided to have a wedding. It is common for the occasion to be reached when there is a marriage proposal from the bride or groom to their partner, often with the delivery of an engagement ring.

It can be indicated that, with engagement, the relationship moves to another level of sentimental commitment . This is the stage prior to the celebration of marriage, a union that can be religious or civil.