Definition of



The concept of focus can be linked to concentration or to a particular look.

Focus is a word used in the Spanish language to refer to the action and consequence of focusing . This verb, in turn, has four definitions according to the information provided by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) : to achieve that the image of an object that is produced in the focus of a lens is captured clearly on a specific plane or object; to achieve in the viewfinder of a photographic camera that the image that is sought to be captured is in the center of the plane; to project a beam of light or a specific number of particles on a particular point ; and to direct attention to a topic, question or problem from assumptions developed in advance in order to solve it correctly.

Interactional approach

The concept of approach gives rise, as can be seen, to multiple notions. To cite an example, there is an interactional approach that is defined as a systems theory that is framed within the field of communication sciences . This approach studies the pragmatic consequences of interpersonal communication, conceiving communication as an open structure of interactions that occur in a particular context.

The interactional approach is based on three postulates: the principle of totality (which indicates that any alteration in one part of the system influences the rest of the parts, transforming the whole), the principle of circular causality (referring to complex links of mutual implications, actions and feedbacks contemplated in a communication cycle) and the principle of regulation (which establishes that every communicative act must conform to and respond to certain norms, rules and conveniences).

A comprehensive understanding

On the other hand, the so-called integral approach is part of a theory that attempts to achieve the broadest possible understanding of both the human being and the universe, by combining science and spiritually rooted intuition . The integral approach seeks to ensure that this understanding provokes a global revolution that encompasses the organism, the mind and the spirit.

In learning , the holistic approach refers to educational methods that attempt to create better opportunities and allow all learners to receive an education that is appropriate to their lifestyle, offering them a range of options in terms of information, employment opportunities and social mobility. Examples of education with a holistic approach are distance learning , where students adhere to an educational system that is extremely flexible in terms of schedules and educational planning , with vertical and unidirectional teaching (that is, each student has the opportunity to interact directly with his or her teacher and work on those points that are not going well in his or her learning. These sporadic meetings between student and teacher are called tutorials ).


The idea of ​​focus is frequently used in the field of photography.

Manual focus and auto focus

In photography there are two types of focus: manual and automatic.

Modern digital cameras have several types of automatic focus, such as: the classic one that allows you to simply focus and capture the image, the continuous one that allows you to track the object you want to capture while it is in motion, and the intelligent one that integrates the classic (also called simple) and the continuous one and allows you to use one or the other interchangeably. It is true that a lot of progress has been made in this type of technology, however, the automatic mode is not useful in all cases. Sometimes manual focus is necessary to be able to properly capture a particular composition .

When we want to capture an image where a tiny detail stands out, this way we can get a much more precise capture, allowing certain elements of the scene to stand out. It can also be extremely useful for urban spaces , in the case of wanting to capture a fixed point and not having the rest of the city life captured in the image. On the other hand, it can be extremely useful to take a picture of an object that is hidden behind another, with autofocus it is usually difficult to focus correctly on the desired object, whereas manual focus will allow us to take a precise snapshot. Finally, it can also be extremely useful for architectural photographs and in compositions where there is a high contrast , where autofocus is often confused and has serious problems to achieve a good focus.

Learning to use manual focus is not an easy task, but to acquire this skill it takes a lot of practice. In the case of moving photographs, photographers recommend using the technique called prefocusing , which involves placing the focus on a fixed point (through which we are convinced the subject will pass) and when we think it is time, taking the photograph.