Definition of



There are different types of diseases.

Disease is the process and phase that living beings go through when they suffer from a condition that threatens their well-being by modifying their ontological health condition. This situation can be triggered by multiple reasons, whether intrinsic or extrinsic to the organism with evidence of disease. These triggers are known as noxas (from the Greek nósos).

The term comes from the Latin infirmitas which means "lack of firmness" and consists of a process that occurs to a living being and alters its normal state of health.

What is meant by illness

In everyday language, illness is understood as an idea opposite to the concept of health: it is that which causes an alteration or breaks harmony in an individual, whether on a molecular, bodily, mental, emotional or spiritual scale.

Given the difficulty in defining specifically what a disease is (given that each individual does so according to their own experiences), there are several concepts that can be used, according to the context, as synonyms: pathology , illness , illness , abnormality , disorder , disorder , imbalance and alteration , among others.

There are different sciences that are responsible for studying, analyzing and combating diseases. Phytopathology, for example, is dedicated to analyzing diseases that affect plants and the rest of the botanical genera. The pathologies to which animals are vulnerable, on the other hand, are addressed by veterinary medicine. Medical science, on the other hand, deals with human diseases.

In this way, the various branches of medicine investigate the particularities inherent to each creature, its symptoms and the consequences they entail, taking into account the morphophysiological evidence that it leaves in the biology of the sick organism.

Classification according to origin

The causes of a disease can be many, some related to external agents and others internal, these factors are called noxas, which comes from the Greek nósos which means disease or health condition.

High temperature

Fever can be a symptom of an illness.

Some meanings of the term, but related to the definition given above, are:

Bacterial diseases : those caused by a known bacteria and that develop known symptoms.

Viral diseases : Those caused by a virus whose consequences are fairly predictable.

Venereal diseases : Those sexually transmitted diseases that produce more or less serious symptoms and consequences.

Respiratory diseases : Those that affect the organs belonging to the respiratory system, responsible for providing oxygen to the body and eliminating carbon dioxide.

Mental or psychological illnesses : These are those that affect mental health, which prevent the normal functioning of an individual in their emotional aspect.

Other definitions of disease

As defined by the World Health Organization , the term health implies the perfect physical, mental and social well-being of an individual, while illness is the presence of a specific illness or condition. An individual who has only one condition lacks health.

For the Teide Medical Dictionary, a disease is called the set of morphological-structural alterations that occur in the organism as a consequence of an internal or external morbidity agent, against which the organism does not have the capacity to oppose or is unable to confront it with sufficient force. .

For its part, the Terminological Dictionary of Medical Sciences states that a disease is the loss of health, that is, a deviation from the physiological state of generally known etiology, which presents itself through specific symptoms and whose maturation is predictable.

The vision of homeopathy

Homeopathy defines a disease as the acute exacerbation of internal disharmony, a way (the only possible one) that the body has to react to a modification of its energy.

In short, a disease is an alteration of the physiological state in some parts of the body that manifests itself through known specific symptoms whose prediction is more or less predictable. In the event that there are symptoms but it is unknown to what condition it responds, it cannot yet be said to be an illness.

Regarding the definition of sick , it must be said that the term is used to name the living being that has become a victim of a condition or disease, regardless of whether or not it is aware of its condition. The role of the patient is also discussed according to the position that each individual assumes when experiencing an illness.