Definition of

chemical energy


The combustion of coal releases chemical energy.

Chemical energy is that produced by chemical reactions . An example of chemical energy is that released by coal when it burns. Cells and batteries also contain chemical energy.

It is important to consider that energy is a natural resource with different associated elements that allow it to be used industrially. The concept refers to the ability to set something in motion or transform it .

Chemistry , for its part, refers to the composition, structure and properties of matter . The term also allows us to name the science that studies these aspects along with the modifications that matter undergoes during the so-called chemical reactions.

Chemical energy sources

The heat generated or the violence of the chemical reaction produces movement or allows work to be carried out. It is important to note that food is also a source of chemical energy since, when processed by the body, it offers heat ( calories ), proteins and vitamins.

Chemical energy, in short, is one of the many manifestations of energy. Although this type of energy is always present in matter, it only manifests itself when an alteration of it is recorded.


Many vehicles move thanks to chemical energy.

Your advantages

When we talk about chemical energy it is inevitable that, in addition to determining what it is and what it is used for, we refer to the set of advantages it offers. These are the benefits that it brings and that are what have motivated it to be strongly committed to it in different areas:

  • It has high performance.
  • It offers a minimum level of polluting emissions.
  • Thanks to it, the creation of a great diversity of products important for our daily lives is carried out. Among them we would highlight cleaning items for the home or even for personal hygiene.
  • In the same way, we must not overlook that chemical energy is currently allowing the research and development of new medications, thanks to which certain diseases can be decisively faced.
  • All this without forgetting that new projects and devices are also being undertaken through it whose clear objective is to purify water.
  • It is allowing new materials to be discovered.

Disadvantages of chemical energy

However, the detractors of chemical energy, in the face of this set of advantages mentioned, do not hesitate to also expose the disadvantages of using it.

Specifically, they usually point out that it causes serious damage to the environment because it pollutes it and that some of the components it uses are toxic. That is to say, it shows it as a form of energy that is not ecological, but quite the opposite.

Its use

Cars , airplanes and millions of machines are moved thanks to the chemical energy released during the combustion of coal or oil . The configuration of the engines, with their cylinders and other elements, is key in the entire process.

This type of energy is even what makes trips to outer space possible, which demonstrates its importance in various areas of human action.