Definition of

Potential energy


Gravitational potential energy is linked to the force of gravity.

Potential energy is the ability of a body to develop an action according to how the system of bodies that exert forces on each other is configured. In other words, potential energy is the energy that is capable of generating work as a result of the position of the body.

From the etymological point of view we have to determine that the concept we are going to analyze is made up of two words. The first of them, energy , comes from Greek and is made up of two parts: en – which is equivalent to “within” and ergon which can be translated as “work or action” .

The second word at hand is potential . In this case it has its origin in Latin where it is formed from the sum of three nuclei: posse or potis which can be defined as "power";nt – which is equal to “ agent”; and finally the suffix - which is used to determine that something is "relative to" .

Potential energy and bodies

The concept assumes that, when a body moves relative to a certain reference level, it is in a position to accumulate energy. Let's look at a case: when a body is lifted to a certain height, it acquires gravitational potential energy . By dropping said body, the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy .

In this sense, therefore, we can establish that gravitational or gravitational potential energy is that enjoyed by bodies that are at a height. The aforementioned energy will depend, therefore, on two clearly defined factors: gravity, that is, the attraction that the Earth exerts on those bodies, and their mass.

Thus, when we want to establish the gravitational potential energy of a specific body, we must undertake this task using the following formula: mxgxh , where m is the mass, g is the constant of the force of gravity, and h is the height.

Potential energy, in short, can be mentioned as a scalar magnitude that is linked to a field of forces. The difference that exists between the field values ​​of a point X with respect to a point Y is identical to the work done by the force to travel between Y and X.


Automobiles that use gasoline take advantage of the chemical potential energy of the fuel.

Classification according to type

Chemical potential energy is that which is transformed into kinetic energy from an internal combustion procedure. Cars powered by gasoline take advantage of its chemical potential energy (which, when combusted, generates the energy necessary to move the vehicle).

Another type of potential energy is elastic potential energy , which is produced when the internal energy that accumulates in a solid body susceptible to deformation increases due to the work exerted by the forces that cause said deformation. A clear example to understand this type of potential energy is the moment in which a person jumps on a trampoline.

Food , finally, has potential energy in the form of chemical energy , which is released when it is processed by the body.