Definition of

heat energy

thermal energy

Heat energy is released as heat.

Energy is the ability to set something in motion or transform it. In an economic sense, energy is the natural resource that, thanks to technology and various associated elements, can be used at an industrial level.

Caloric , for its part, is a term used in physics to name the principle or agent that causes heat phenomena.

What is heat energy

Heat energy , therefore, is the type of energy that is released in the form of heat . Being in constant transit, heat can pass from one body to another (when both have different caloric levels) or be transmitted to the environment.

When a body receives heat, its molecules acquire heat energy and achieve greater movement. Heat energy, also known as heat energy or thermal energy , can be obtained from the sun (through an exothermic reaction), some fuel (through combustion), a nuclear reaction (fission or fusion), electricity (through Joule or thermoelectric effect) or friction (as a result of different chemical or mechanical processes).


Heat energy is also known as thermal energy or heat energy.

Of natural origin

Thermal energy obtained from nature (such as solar energy or geothermal energy ) is renewable and clean energy since, in general, it does not produce pollution (unless man installs polluting industries for its exploitation).

This type of energy, as we see, can also be found in the form of photovoltaic solar energy, which is characterized by the fact that it offers a significant number of advantages that have led to its expansion, demand and success. Specifically, these are the benefits it provides:

• It falls within the group of so-called clean energies. And it does not cause any type of damage to the environment, in fact, it takes care of it because it does not release carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere, because it does not generate waste of any kind and also because it does not consume fuel.

• In the same way, it is committed to a better quality of life for citizens because it does not generate noise. Thus, it does not bother those in any way.

• It has the advantage that it is an inexhaustible source of energy , precisely because it is sustained by the Sun's radiation.

• Its installations are easy to set up, requiring little effort.

• No less significant is that this type of heat energy hardly requires any maintenance in regards to its structure. Hence, whoever opts for it will enjoy significant economic savings compared to if they installed another type of system.

• The plates that allow this energy to be achieved, it is important to emphasize that they have a great capacity for resistance with regard to terrible weather conditions.

All of these reasons have allowed this caloric energy to continue growing and becoming the great commitment of many people and institutions, in favor of the environment.

Other types of heat energy

Thermal energy from combustion, on the other hand, releases carbon dioxide, while thermal energy from fusion or nuclear fission is also polluting (due to radioactive waste).

The best way to take advantage of this type of energy, then, is through photovoltaic solar panels or other technologies with reduced environmental impact.