Definition of



The concept of endogenous is used in medicine.

The endogenous adjective is used to name that which arises within something or as a consequence of internal reasons . The concept is used in the field of science to refer to different phenomena.

In the field of medicine , a disease is said to be endogenous when it originates from an alteration in metabolism that is independent of the disease itself or when it arises for genetic reasons . Endogenous diseases may or may not be hereditary.

The endogenous in psychology and agriculture

For psychology , a disorder can be classified as endogenous when it is produced by the biological characteristics of the individual . This means that its origin is organic. On the other hand, a psychogenic or psychogenic disorder originates in the subject's psyche, without an obvious biological substrate.

The notion of endogenous also appears in agriculture with reference to a crop that grows naturally in a region. In this case, man should not introduce it or manipulate the conditions for the plants to develop.


An endogenous crop is one that grows naturally in a region.

A model for enhancing capabilities

The development model that aims to enhance the capabilities that a local community or region has within itself is known as endogenous development , so that they can use them to make their economy and society stronger. the time to interact with the outside. Thanks to this model, it is also possible to achieve long-term support, due to being able to control a large number of fundamental variables.

Although at first glance it may seem that the economy is the most important aspect, it is of no use if all the others are not taken care of, such as the social, cultural, technological and political aspects; Only by addressing all the needs of a community can comprehensive development be achieved, both at a collective and individual level.

Organizations that rely on the endogenous development model have human resources or individuals who have the specific knowledge and experience to, in their field of specialization, work towards the growth of the group. This knowledge is made available to others, so that all members grow and collaborate with the advancement of the community.

In this way, each individual becomes stronger and can integrate more effectively into the development process that corresponds to them, cooperating with people from other disciplines in a system that feeds all its vertices instead of isolating them.

Endogenous development objectives

Broadly speaking, we can say that the goals pursued by endogenous development are the following:

* promote, encourage and ensure the coherent and harmonious development of national plans, projects and policies;

* promote the growth of the community's economy , through solidarity actions;

* offer economic organizations the necessary training tools to grow and consolidate as bases of the nation's economic system;

* finance projects and plans that focus on strengthening the nation's productive capacity ;

* educate members in the responsible and efficient use of the resources they receive to finance their projects and plans.

The notion in statistics

For statistics, finally, a variable is endogenous when it can be explained within the model in which it acts and there is a correlation between it and the error term.

Price, for example, is an endogenous variable in the model that analyzes the relationship between supply and demand for a product. Both producers and consumers modify their behavior (and, therefore, supply and demand) according to price. If the supply and demand curves are known, the price variable is completely endogenous.