Definition of


The etymological origin of the term survey that concerns us now is found in French. Exactly it comes from the word "enquête", which means "investigation" and which derives, in turn, from the Latin "inquesta". We can establish that this word is the result of the sum of two very different parts:

-The prefix «in-«, which can be translated as «in» or «to be inside».

-The verb "quaerere", which is synonymous with "investigate" and "interrogate".

In our language , the concept became a survey : this is the name given to the series of standardized questions whose purpose is to gather people's opinions on different topics.

SurveyFor example: "A survey reveals that 80% of people are in favor of toughening sentences for murderers" , "According to a survey, the majority of residents prefer that green spaces be built instead of cultural centers" , "Politicians are always guided by what the polls say."

A survey allows you to collect data through a questionnaire. Generally, the same questions are asked to individuals from different social classes so that the result of the research is representative of the entire society. Once the information is collected, percentages are usually calculated and presented in tables or graphs .

When creating a survey, it is essential to follow a series of important tips or recommendations, including the following:

-Determine the method of data collection, that is, know if the survey is going to be carried out online, by telephone or in person.

-Write the questions exhaustively and precisely, keeping in mind that they must be understood perfectly, that they must not create confusion in the respondent, and that they must be written in simple language.

-The questions can be of two types: open, in which the respondent can answer freely, or closed, in which the respondent will have to choose one of the options given.

-You have to pay close attention when establishing the order of the questions.

A simple survey could be carried out on the hundred people who live in the same building, asking them "Are you satisfied with the work the manager does?" and allowing them to choose between the following answers: "Yes" , "No" or "More or less" . The survey yields the following results: 61 neighbors responded that "Yes" they are satisfied, 15 said that "No" they are satisfied and 24 stated that they are "More or less" satisfied. It can be said, therefore, that 61% of the residents of the building in question are satisfied with the manager, compared to 15% who are not satisfied and 24% who are in an intermediate position.

Among the most interesting surveys are those carried out in the weeks prior to an election. In this way, what is achieved is knowing what are the possible results that these elections may have. However, in many cases this information means that citizens can be mobilized to vote for one or another political party to prevent these "predictions" from coming true.