Definition of

Holm oak

Quercus ilex

The traditional holm oak is the tree with the scientific name Quercus ilex.

The etymological root of oak is found in the Latin ilicīna . Holm oak is a tree from the Fagaceae family group that stands out for the hardness of its wood and its fruit .

Holm oaks, whose height is usually around twelve meters, have a very thick trunk that branches into multiple arms with branches. The specimens have persistent leaves with a whitish underside and a black-green hue on the other side and also have yellowish or greenish flowers .

Features of the oak

Belonging to the group of fagaceae, the oak is an angiosperm tree: that is, a phanerogamous tree with carpels that form an ovary, inside which the ovules are found. All phanerogamous species, in turn, show their reproductive organs in the form of a flower.

Another characteristic of the oak is that it is a dicotyledonous tree, since its embryo develops two cotyledons (that is, two first leaves). Like the rest of the fagaceae, the oak has simple leaves, monoecious flowers (separated according to sex but with the same stem) and non-dehiscent fruit (its pericarp does not open naturally to allow the seed to emerge).

It should be noted that there are different types of oak. In general, the term usually refers to the species with the scientific name Quercus ilex , also known as typical oak . The Arizona oak ( Quercus arizonica ), the coast oak ( Quercus agrifolia ), and the ravine oak ( Quercus chrysolepis ) are other varieties of oaks.


Holm oak acorns are often used as livestock feed.

Uses of wood

The wood of the oak is compact and very hard. Due to its characteristics, it does not usually rot but, as a negative aspect, it is difficult to work with.

This wood is used as a beam or pillar in the construction sector. It can also be used for the production of parts subject to friction and in hydraulic works .

With the oak, on the other hand, you can produce charcoal and obtain firewood . In different Spanish regions, in fact, holm oak used to be the most common fuel for domestic use.

It cannot be omitted to mention that, due to its high level of tannins, the bark of the oak is used for tanning leather . This process is common in Moroccan territory.

The acorns of the oak

The fruit of the oak and other trees that belong to the same genus is called acorn . The acorn is an achene : a dry fruit with a single seed.

The acorns are oval in shape and about two centimeters long . Its shell is brown and somewhat hard and protects the seed, which lacks albumen and contains fleshy cotyledons.

Typically, acorns are used to feed livestock . Due to the high amount of tannins, they are not usually used as food for people, although they can be processed to eliminate said tannins. Another option is to appeal to varieties that have a lower concentration of tannins and, by extension, a sweeter flavor.