Definition of



The umbrellas have a handle.

Grip is a concept that is formed with the verb empuñar (to take something with or by the fist) and the suffix -dura (which allows denoting the instrument or the means of an action ). The term refers to the fist or garnish of different objects that are manipulated .

It is necessary to analyze the notions of grip and grip > before moving forward with the definition of grip . Among the various meanings of fist, on this occasion we are interested in two meanings: its allusion to the piece by which an umbrella, an umbrella or a cane is gripped and its mention of the handle that certain edged weapons have .

What is a grip for?

As you can see, we find handles on several objects. In parasols , umbrellas and canes , the handle is the sector where the person places their hand to use the implement. Typically, the handle is covered by a different material than the rest of the element.

In the case of edged weapons (that is, those that have a metal blade with a sharp edge and a point), the handle not only allows you to grip them, but also functions as a defense mechanism to protect the user's hand.

The importance of ergonomics

In canes, umbrellas and parasols, the handle mainly meets ergonomic criteria . Its purpose is to adapt to the physiology of the individual, also facilitating the manipulation of the object.

It generally has a non-slip material : this way the utensil does not slip out of your hand. The objective is to provide comfort and security to the subject at the time of use.

Bladed weapons

In swords, part of the handle plays a defensive role.

hilt of a sword

A sword is a large, sharp and pointed weapon. In it it is possible to differentiate between the blade (the blade) and the handle.

In this case, the idea of ​​handle refers to the component that makes it possible to control the weapon. On the handle you can distinguish between the guard (the defensive part that acts as a shield), the pommel (the end that can be held with the other hand and that contributes to the balance of the sword) and the handle (where the hand).

The accelerator of a motorcycle

We can find another use of handle, associated with motorcycles . In this type of vehicle, the handle is known as a handle that, in addition to allowing control of this means of locomotion, can be turned to accelerate .

The usual thing is that the grip is the right handle of the handlebar or handlebar . The driver takes hold of both handles and steers the motorcycle with them; The right handle is also used to accelerate by turning the handle.

The handle as a phrase

It should be noted, finally, that a armed phrase that was used as an opening formula in the stories was previously mentioned as a handle. The grip was an expression that was repeated by tradition and that, in the context of literature, helped to situate the reader, giving them notice of the beginning of the narrative.

“Once upon a time” is an example of grip. Children's stories usually start with this formula: “Once upon a time there was a prince who lived in a very distant country…” , “Once upon a time, in the middle of a dark forest, there was an evil witch who terrified the children who They dared to walk there…”