Definition of


Interior decoration

Wallpaper is a popular resource for interior decoration.

To understand what the concept of wallpaper alludes to, you must first focus on the idea of ​​wallpapering . This verb (wallpaper) refers to using paper to cover a wall or to wrap something.

Wallpapering is called, in this framework, the act and result of wallpapering . The term can also refer to the paper used to cover the walls .

What is wallpaper

Before moving forward, it is important to keep in mind that paper is a thin sheet that is made from vegetable fiber pulp . These fibers are subjected to different procedures until they become paper itself.

In the case of wallpaper, it can have different characteristics. Also known as wallpaper , wall paper or wallpaper , it is usually treated with varnish or a plastic film is added to increase its durability.

Wallpaper is mainly used for interior decoration . This paper is glued to the walls to cover them, in a process also known as wallpapering.


There are different types of wallpaper.

Multiple options

When choosing wallpaper, there are numerous alternatives. It is important to take into account what type of room you want to wallpaper in order to define the appropriate style.

The simplest wallpaper consists of a single layer of paper that is adhered to the walls with vinyl glue or another similar product. Self-adhesive wallpaper , on the other hand, already includes glue : the person only has to unfold the roll, remove the protective film and proceed to gluing.

If the environment is very humid, it is advisable to use vinyl wallpaper (with varnish) or vinyl (with plastic ). In addition to offering good resistance, these papers can be washed easily.

How to make wallpaper

It is important to keep in mind that wallpaper can cover all of the walls in a room or just some. It is even possible to cover the entire wall or part of it.

Windows and doors are not wallpapered. For the best result, it is necessary to move the furniture and proceed to wallpaper the walls behind.

Before completing the wallpaper (i.e. placing the wallpaper), the wall must be prepared. Previous papers, splashes or drips and any other element that prevents having a regular surface must be removed. It is also important to cover gaps and holes with putty or another product.

The use of toilet paper

In the United States, the expression toilet papering is used to name the attack, repudiation or prank that is carried out by throwing rolls of toilet paper that, when they fall, unroll until they cover a structure or an object. This action is mentioned in our language as wallpapering with toilet paper .

At events such as a graduation or Halloween , wallpapering with toilet paper is common. However, there are jurisdictions where it is considered an act of vandalism and is punished.

Wallpapering with toilet paper, in this way, can be taken as a prank or as an illegal act. These types of actions can be linked to other similar actions such as throwing eggs or throwing cakes .