Definition of



A sender is a device that encodes and transmits a message to a receiver through a channel.

Emitter (from Latin emissor ) is a term that can refer to different types of words. As an adjective and noun (according to how the term is used), it serves to refer to one or those entities that are responsible for connecting with another point to emit a signal. As a verb, it means to express an opinion or news, to produce and put into circulation banknotes, securities or titles and to launch Hertian waves to make news, music or signals heard.

A sender can also be a device or object that encodes a message and transmits it through a certain channel to the receiver . In this sense, a radio antenna can be a transmitter and transmit a message through waves.

The concept in economics and mechanics

In the field of economics , an institution, company or organization that issues commercial securities (such as obligations or loans) is known as an issuer.

In the field of mechanics , the concept refers to those connectors that allow the normal operation of a device. For example, in electric radiators there are two types of emitters: wet (they work based on oil) and dry (they do not need a lubricant to work).

The sender in communication

To satisfy the need to share their experiences and opinions with other people, human beings have developed language ; which serves as an irrevocable tool to express feelings, reflections, information and knowledge.

Language was the tool that allowed human beings to evolve a new step in the hominization process because it collaborated considerably with the development of the ability to reason and communicate with their environment.

However, for communication to be efficient , it must meet certain requirements . Firstly, it must have a series of fundamental elements and secondly it is essential that there be a message that can be expressed by the speaker and understood by the interlocutor.

radio station

The media act as transmitters that spread messages.

Enunciate a message

Today, linguistics is the science that studies the different forms of communication that exist between human beings. Through language we manage to name reality and our inner world.

Thus, in the area of ​​communication , a sender is a person who enunciates a message in a communicative act. This means that the sender sends a message to the receiver, who is able to process and interpret it. This act of communication is possible when both the sender and the receiver share the same code (a common language, a sign language, etc.).

Transmitter as encoder

The function of the sender is to encode the message , that is, organize it into phrases in such a way that the receiver (to whom the message is directed) can decode and understand it. For this to develop efficiently, the sender must know the language system ( idiom ) used by the receiver so that his message can be readable. The words are transmitted to the sender through a space known as an information channel that can be different depending on the type of communication ( oral or written ) that is being established between both individuals.

It is said that if there is no common language and an information channel, there cannot be an issuer or communication itself.

It should also be added that communication in everyday life shows how all people alternate in the roles of sender and receiver. An example occurs when a man meets a neighbor and asks, "How are you?" . At this moment, the man is the sender and his neighbor, the receiver. When the neighbor responds ( "I'm very well, thank you" ), he or she becomes the sender of the communicative act, while the other person takes on the role of receiver.