Definition of



The boats can have different characteristics.

A boat is a means of transportation that has the ability to travel by water . Its propulsion can be achieved by means of a motor , sails or the use of oars .

Before moving forward, it is worth stopping at the etymological origin of the term. Embarcación arises from the union of the verb embark (to enter a vehicle, assign an individual to a ship ) and the suffix -ción (used to form nouns that express an act and its consequence, and can denote a place or a object).

Characteristics of a boat

There are multiple types of boats, each with its own characteristics. However, it is possible to mention certain characteristics shared by all these vehicles.

Boats must be navigable : that is, they must be suitable for sailing (moving through the water ). Therefore, it is essential that they be able to float.

They also need to have some kind of means of propulsion. These resources can be simple, such as sails (canvas that, when caught by the wind, push the boat) or oars (blades that exert leverage in the water), or be more complex, such as machines that, using electricity or combustion, , produce an underwater impulse.

Other important issues linked to boats are their tonnage (their internal capacity) and their travel speed . These variables are defined from the structure , design and equipment of the ships.

tourist boat

A cruise ship is a vessel intended for tourist trips.

Classification according to type

As we already indicated above, boat is a generic concept that refers to a water vehicle. To make a more specific reference, there are numerous words that name particular types.

A boat , for example, is a small vessel that is propelled by oars. A boat , meanwhile, can also be a boat with rows, although the idea can name a larger ship with a sail or even a motor.

Canoes , canoes and kayaks are part of the group of small boats that are generally propelled by oars. If we focus on larger vessels, however, we can talk about boats , vessels , cruise ships or ships , among others.

Submarines deserve a separate paragraph. In this case, the boat can submerge to move under the water surface .

famous ships

Many boats have managed to transcend borders and eras. Among the best known are the caravels used in the 1492 expedition led by Christopher Columbus that took Europeans, for the first time, to the American continent: the Pinta , the Niña and the Santa María .

The Mayflower , on the other hand, was the ship that transported the Pilgrim Fathers from English territory to American soil. This crossing made in 1620 is usually mentioned as the starting point for the birth of the United States .

There are also boats that achieved fame due to tragedy. When the Titanic set sail from Southampton Harbor in 1912 bound for New York , it was the largest passenger ship in the world. The liner sank on that maiden voyage after hitting an iceberg , an accident that cost the lives of almost 1,500 people.