Definition of



Meditation is a resource that many choose for spiritual elevation.

Elevation , a term from the Latin word elevatio , is the act and result of rising or elevating . This verb (elevate), in turn, refers to raising, raising or raising .

For example: "Intense winds generate problems in lifting the birds, which cannot fly normally due to the gusts" , "The prosecutor requested the elevation of the case to oral trial" , "Tourists have various means of lifting to reach the top of the mountain .

Spiritual elevation

The notion of elevation is usually used as a synonym for exaltation , especially in moral or spiritual matters. A high person, in this sense, is close to the gods and far from worldly and earthly affairs.

Meditation and prayer are two common paths that individuals follow in search of their own elevation. The objectives of these practices are usually to increase wisdom, obtain peace and purify the spirit.

Achieving elevation is an objective that can take many forms, which in turn depend on various factors, such as social, economic and age issues. In fact, for the same person, elevation can mean different things throughout their life: while at a superficial stage it can be based on a state of wisdom and skill that allows them to stand out from their environment, at a deeper stage it can point to the emotional balance and harmony with those around you.


A chairlift or chairlift is a means of lifting.

A physical rise

Lifting can also be physical when someone or something moves upward.

To ascend to a summit , it is sometimes possible to use a means of elevation such as a chairlift or a cable car . An elevator or lift is also a means of lifting.

Elevation of a cause

In the judicial field, on the other hand, we speak of the elevation of a case to trial when a process reaches the stage that culminates with a ruling or sentence .

The elevation of a criminal case to an oral trial, to cite one case, causes the accused to be convicted or acquitted according to the decision of the judge or court.

Differences with altitude

A term that is often confused with elevation is altitude , and both are used quite frequently, both in technical fields and in everyday speech. Although they may be interchangeable in several cases, it is possible to make a clear distinction between them.

Altitude is the vertical distance that can be seen at any point on our planet, taking sea level as a reference. This value is expressed using the meter as the unit of measurement, and then the abbreviation snm , that is, m asl ( meters above sea level ). It should be noted that height is a third concept, which represents the distance (also vertical) between two points on the surface of our planet.

With respect to elevation, we must understand it in this framework as the height that is measured from a fixed point, which is taken as a reference, and is none other than the average sea level, according to the mathematical model of our planet understood as a Equally distributed mass. For example, towns and cities, and even railway stations, are marked according to their elevation, and this is of great interest to geography.

That said, we can understand two clear differences between the two concepts: while altitude is used to indicate the height of a point that is above the Earth's surface , elevation indicates the height on Earth of a place or a point; Elevation is used especially in agriculture, geology and geography, but altitude is of more interest to space exploration and aviation.