The term example derives from the Latin exemplum and refers to a fact or behavior that is taken as a model to follow or to be avoided , according to its positive or negative profile. In the case of a circumstance or performance worthy of imitation, the application of the word could occur in a sentence like "he is an example of a father" , which means that the person taken as an example is a great father and should be imitated. .
On the other hand, the harmful aspect of an example could give rise to phrases such as "it is in your best interest not to follow their example" , expressed so that someone becomes aware of how harmful certain behaviors or attitudes can be.
The example as support or proof
On the other hand, the concept of example also refers to the fact, clause or text that is cited to support a certain statement or opinion . In these cases, it is customary to include sentences like "for the avoidance of doubt, I will cite some examples" , so that the speaker begins to list cases that reinforce his statements or demonstrate them with other data .
Within the application of this term, we cannot fail to mention the well-known expression "for example" , a resource that is used to incorporate proof or clarification within a text . Likewise, "setting an example" is used in cases in which a way of acting that encourages imitation is expected, as in the aforementioned case of the father. Another use of the notion of example in this sense would be: "As a flag bearer, you have to set an example for your classmates" (so that a student selected to carry the flag understands the importance of her distinction and promotes good behavior among her classmates). .
A guide to educating
On the other hand, there is the expression "teach by example" , with its variants such as "educate by example" , which means showing the set of attitudes that we hope to see in others to guide them in learning. The opposite is demanding achievements or objectives without giving proof that they are possible, or asking others to do things that we do not do or are not willing to do.
This way of teaching is the most effective and, in many cases, the noblest. Almost all animal species apply it infallibly, ours being the only one that turns the statistics around: we almost never teach by example, but rather we demand that the little ones achieve the goals that we cannot or do not want, the Government demands to the people the honesty that they do not show and to the employers, the commitment with which they do not treat their employees.
The force that the existence of an example can have should not be allowed to go unnoticed, because it is enough to justify statements that are impossible to demolish. This is a phenomenon or a trait that can be seen when two people argue about the validity or viability of an idea, a plan of action or any other issue that one of them does not respect: if the other quotes a similar example that has been successful , the discussion will no longer make sense.
Returning to the field of teaching, the example is such a powerful tool that it can act on its own, without the help of a theoretical lesson. Let's think about the people who throw waste down the street with complete impudence: many of them will have seen their elders do it, and in this way this disrespectful attitude will have spread to the rest of living beings. If a child always witnesses compassionate behavior, it is quite likely that he or she will follow the same path as an adult.