Definition of



An effect is something that is produced or achieved as a consequence of a cause.

Originating from the Latin term effectus , the word effect has a wide variety of meanings and uses, many of them linked to scientific experimentation . Its main meaning presents the effect as that which is achieved as a consequence of a cause . The link between a cause and its effect is known as causation .

For physics , an effect constitutes a phenomenon that is generated by a specific cause and that appears accompanied by specific manifestations that can be established qualitatively and quantitatively.

The effect is also the impression that a surprising event or circumstance leaves on people's minds . On the other hand, spin is the complex trajectory that a ball can take when it is skillfully propelled by a soccer, basketball or billiards player, among other sports .

Special effects

Special effects (also known as FX ) are used in film and television to film scenes that cannot be achieved by normal means or are too dangerous (such as a trip to space or a big explosion).

The technique for creating digital effects is known as post-production since it is developed once the production stage of the film is completed.


Special effects are important in film and television.

Global warming

On the other hand, the phenomenon that causes certain gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, to retain a part of the energy released from the soil when it has been heated by solar radiation is known as the greenhouse effect .

In itself, the greenhouse effect is not negative, in fact, thanks to its existence it is possible for life to exist on the planet (retaining part of the sun's energy and creating a microclimate suitable for the growth of life in all their known forms); However, the actions of human beings on the planet are causing this natural and essential element for the existence of the planet to become something negative. And it has done so by eliminating certain gases from the atmosphere that are harmful in large quantities, such as carbon dioxide or methane , the consequence of which is an increase in ambient temperature .

It should be noted that scientists prefer to call the negative greenhouse effect climate change , so that both concepts whose characteristics are absolutely opposite are not confused.

domino effect

Another meaning of the term is the domino effect , which refers to those events that are systematically triggered when an event receives a spatial and temporal impact and acquires more important consequences. For it to exist, it is necessary that a primary accident that develops in a certain location, also primary, must first occur (it may be a simple accident). This accident is responsible for inducing other secondary accidents , which affect a secondary installation and increase the consequences of the primary accident.

For example, the simple collision of a car on the road with another that was stationary can cause all the cars behind it to accidentally crash into each other, turning that simple accident into what is called a pile-up .

The contributions of Doppler

The Doppler effect , for its part, is the term that identifies the extension of a light or sound wave that was caused by a certain movement. It is called that because the person who discovered it was the physicist Christian J. Doppler (Austria-1803).

To give an example of this concept, we can think of the siren of an ambulance, which as time passes and the car approaches the point where we are, the sound becomes higher pitched, therefore increasing the frequency, since As it moves further away it becomes more serious (then the frequency decreases).

butterfly effect

Finally, it should be noted that the butterfly effect is a concept that refers to the sensitivity of the conditions that are initially detected in a system .

The notion assumes that the smallest alteration with respect to the state of a system can cause it to evolve in totally different ways. Therefore, a small initial disturbance, through an amplification process, can generate a very large effect.