Definition of

collaborative economy

Skill Exchange

Sharing tools and establishing an exchange of skills is possible through the collaborative economy.

The collaborative economy is a model that is based on technological tools to promote operations of purchase, sale, rental, barter or loan of goods and services . The concept, however, is very broad and can be understood in different ways.

The notion usually focuses on the intermediation between supply and demand through a digital platform that does not produce the goods or offer the underlying services. What this intermediary does is promote the connection between the provider and the consumer or user, contributing to better use of resources.

Different ideas about the collaborative economy

The collaborative economy , or sharing economy in English, is also often mentioned as exchange economy , shared economy , platform economy or access economy . In turn, each of these expressions can refer to a specific or particular issue in economic processes.

This type of model, at first, was associated with an equal-to-equal exchange. The first precepts emerged within the framework of the open source software movement . Then the meaning was expanded, understanding that the collaborative economy is one that develops in an online market.

What this meaning meant is that exchanges no longer occur between equals, but rather there can be an interaction that arises in search of profit.


The collaborative economy includes crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter.

Different relationships

The collaborative economy contemplates different types of relationships between the parties involved. Collaborative consumption implies that consumers can position themselves as recipients or providers of goods and services, depending on the case, interacting through digital platforms.

Collaborative production , on the other hand, takes place when there is a contribution from multiple individuals in the manufacturing of a good, the provision of a service or the management of a project. The collaborative economy also includes collaborative finance , such as collective financing ( crowdfunding ) and microcredits .

As part of the collaborative economy, the operation of non-profit platforms that promote open knowledge is also contemplated. Thus there is a free offer of information or a barter, encouraging social innovation .

The collaborative economy according to the sector

The principles of the collaborative economy are currently applied in numerous sectors. If we focus on transportation , many applications allow contact between drivers and passengers. Among them are Uber (which helps drivers earn money) and those that facilitate carsharing .

Regarding accommodation , the collaborative economy made possible the emergence of proposals such as Airbnb and popularized the so-called couchsurfing . Second-hand markets , meanwhile, are used for the sale of used products and are constituted as modern barter systems for the exchange of services or goods.

In the labor market , the collaborative economy promotes self-employment and teleworking as it builds bridges between those who offer services under the freelancing modality and those who intend to hire these workers.

Vacation rental

The collaborative economy caused big changes in vacation rentals.

A fairer society

The collaborative economy, in many cases, contributes to the construction of a more just society. This happens when citizens take advantage of technological innovation and platforms to seek positive social impact .

There is, in this context, an intention to commit to conscious consumption . Many people try to satisfy their needs through fair trade , buying from local producers and avoiding the intervention of large companies.

Local consumption is also encouraged. It is possible to know and contact the producers closest to your home, thereby saving on the costs of transporting goods. This, beyond the economy, contributes to caring for the environment because it avoids the emissions of polluting gases produced by vehicles with internal combustion engines.

Advantages of the collaborative economy

Experts highlight several advantages that the collaborative economy provides. Benefits are recognized for producers, consumers and even for the planet in general:

  • Increased supply : Platforms allow individuals to offer their services and goods, increasing the options available to buyers and users.
  • Reduction in costs and prices : Generally, products are offered at a lower price since logistics and marketing costs are minimized. This is also achieved through group purchasing .
  • Environmental protection : Through used goods markets, ride sharing, etc.

Negative aspects

Beyond the positive points already mentioned, negative aspects are also pointed out to the collaborative economy. Many analysts maintain that certain practices encouraged by this economic modality generate harm.

One of the most voiced criticisms refers to the lack of regulation at the legislative level . Platforms that operate virtually may have their legal headquarters in another country, making possible actions against them difficult. This same reality means that, sometimes, the buyer or consumer is left unprotected.

Unfair competition is also often highlighted as another problem of the collaborative economy. Those who sell only through electronic commerce find a fertile field to avoid the regulatory obligations that stores that have street locations must comply with.