Definition of


Ecomap example

The great central circle is the family, and the others are its resources

Ecomapa is a term that is not part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ). This is a concept that is used above all in the field of social work .

Relationships with the environment

The tool that makes it possible to identify the interrelationships established by a family group with its environment is called an ecomap. In this way, knowledge can be gained about how said family is linked to its sociocultural context .

The first ecomaps were developed by Ann Hartman in the late 1970s . The objective of this social work expert was to graphically represent the environment in which a family operates, taking into account its external connections and the flow of resources of which it is a part.

Usefulness of the ecomap

With an ecomap you can visualize family support networks , for example. The family genogram should be placed in the middle of the document: that is, the composition and structure of the group. From this central circle, other circles begin to be located representing work, friendships, the religious community, etc., using different colors to mark the relationships.

Thanks to the ecomap, a social worker can know where to intervene to improve a family's situation. This graph helps to detect what the conflicts are and what institutions or groups can function as support or support for their resolution.

Although it is a tool that some professionals use, each person can create an ecomap on their own with the aim of analyzing their own situation in all areas of life . We believe that we know ourselves perfectly until we gain a little distance and see our reality from another perspective , and that is why we should not wait for our problems to surprise us, but rather try to detect them in time to be able to rescue what is worthwhile and discard them. what not.

It is important to keep in mind that the family at the center of the ecomap is not only influenced by the environment. The family itself also exerts influence on the rest of the systems , establishing a dynamic relationship .

How to make an ecomap

Initially, a blank sheet of paper and a pencil are enough to make an ecomap, although there are other possibilities. Using a computer program to do it from scratch, an online template or even a printed spreadsheet with a basic diagram are options that can help us save time and achieve a more organized result. In any case, it is very important to understand that the design of each ecomap must be unique , since it reflects the system of relationships itself.

Ecomap ties

Studying the ecomap can help repair certain links

Basically, the entire process can be summarized in three major steps, which are the following: family diagram , identification of the environment and establishment of family ties . The familiogram includes the structure of the family, along with various data about its members and a graphic indication of the relationships we have with each of them. Once we have completed it, we must circle it to distinguish it from the outside (aka extrafamilial ) environment.

In the next step we must place more circles around the previous one, which will be representative of resources such as work, friendships, relationships, neighbors, study and access to health , among others. Finally, we must draw arrows that connect these resources with the members of the family group, or even with all of them simultaneously. Its meaning must represent the flow of resources and energy. The lines can be of several types: straight and full, for strong links; dotted, for the weak; broken, for those who cause us stress.