In order to know the etymological origin of the term hatching we have to go to French, since it derives from “éclosion”, which can be translated as “the action of coming out of the shell”. A word that, in turn, comes from Latin, specifically from the verb “excludere”, which is synonymous with “to leave what is closed”.
It is the act of hatching : a verb that, in the field of biology , is used to name the opening of a cocoon or the breaking of the envelope of an egg or a chrysalis . Eclosion also refers to the explosion of a phenomenon or a social or cultural movement.
For example: “Several years ago there was an outbreak of meditation courses and workshops since people have been searching for a long time how to live better” , “The great performance of the team in the World Cup marked the emergence of this sport throughout the country” , “My mother and I take care of the nest until the eggs hatch” .
In the case of many animals , hatching is the moment in which the young manage to emerge from their cocoon or egg. Hatching, in this framework, is equivalent to birth .
The moment of hatching occurs when the specimen reaches the level of development necessary to emerge from the cocoon or egg. It is, therefore, the end of pregnancy .
This term is also used in the field of human medicine. Specifically, we speak of hatching to refer to the moment in which the blastocyst leaves what is called the zona pellucida of the egg to be able to “nest” in what is the endometrium and thus give shape to the embryo and, therefore, to a pregnancy.
In relation to this aspect we can establish that there is also what is known as assisted hatching. It is also called Assisted Haching and consists of undertaking a series of actions to help the person get out of the zona pellucida. Specifically, what is carried out is the creation of a small hole that allows it to come out and implant itself in what is the endometrium.
This type of assisted hatching is usually carried out in very specific cases. Thus, for example, it is carried out when it comes to women who are between 35 and 40 years old, when it comes to embryos that have been vitrified, when there are errors in implantation and also when the area has thickening problems.
Eclosion, finally, is the abrupt emergence or sudden growth of something. What explodes suddenly becomes notorious or massive: “The political crisis erupted when several government officials presented their resignation simultaneously,” “The inauguration of the natural sciences museum produced a tourist explosion in the city,” “ “This type of popular novel usually produces a boom in sales in all bookstores.”