Definition of


astronomical phenomenon

An eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon.

An eclipse is the temporary occultation, either total or partial, of a star due to the interposition of another celestial body . The term comes from the Latin eclipsis , whose origin is a Greek word meaning "disappearance" .

Although the specific use of the concept does not refer to a disappearance, we cannot forget that in a more colloquial way the term eclipse is used to refer to one or that thing that has disappeared. Specifically, it is used to reflect that a specific person or object is absent.

Eclipses in astronomy

Eclipses are part of the phenomena known as syzygy , which occur when a planet or the Moon is in line with the Earth and the Sun. The syzygy of the Moon takes place with the full moon ( full moon ) and the new moon (new moon).

Although the most common eclipses are solar eclipses and lunar eclipses, which occur when the Sun and Moon align with planet Earth in such a way that light is blocked , there are other eclipses beyond the Earth-Earth link. Moon-Sun.

The Sun and the Moon

In a solar eclipse, the Moon comes between the Sun and planet Earth.

Characteristics depending on the type

In lunar eclipses , the Earth obscures the Moon by coming between it and the Sun. A distinction can be made between total, partial or penumbral lunar eclipses, depending on the percentage of the satellite that remains within the shadow cone projected by our planet.

In the case of solar eclipses , the Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth, obscuring the star . It is also possible to differentiate between total, partial or annular solar eclipses.

It is possible to predict eclipses thanks to the calculation of the orbits of the Earth and the Moon, which allows us to specify the exact positions of their shadows. On the other hand, eclipses are cyclical phenomena , a characteristic that also makes their prediction possible.

"Eclipse" from the Twilight Saga

In addition to all of the above, we cannot ignore that "Eclipse" is also one of the films that shape the well-known Twilight saga, based on the literary work of Stephanie Meyer . Specifically, this film is the third production of this film series where we are told the love story that is established between two young people belonging to two totally different worlds: Bella , a human, and Edward Cullen , a vampire .

One of the most successful sagas in history, both cinematographically and literary speaking, has become one that has broken absolutely all types of records worldwide.

A Bonnie Tyler song

In the same way, we must not forget that one of the most important songs in the history of music and specifically from the 80s makes use of the term that we are now analyzing in its title. Specifically, we are referring to "Total Eclipse of the Heart " which was performed by rocker Bonnie Tyler .

Jim Steinman was the one who created said song that was included in the aforementioned performer's fifth album, titled "Faster than the speed of the night" , which was released in 1983 . More than eight million copies were sold of this song, which became the most important of Tyler 's career.