Definition of



Boiling and boiling are synonyms.

Boiling is the process and consequences of boiling . This verb, for its part, refers to the generation of bubbles due to heat or fermentation . It is, therefore, a synonym for boiling .

Boiling - from the Latin ebullitĭo - can be defined as the physical phenomenon by which a liquid changes its state and becomes gaseous . This transfer occurs when the temperature of the entire liquid reaches the so-called boiling point at a certain pressure . The boiling point is the temperature at which the vapor pressure is equal to the pressure of the medium that is located around the liquid.

Boiling is the reverse process of condensation (the transition of a gaseous substance to a liquid state). It is important to keep in mind that boiling and evaporation are not synonyms: evaporation is slower and does not require heating the entire mass.

The boiling of water

Water , for example, has its boiling point at 100ºC, whenever it is subjected to a pressure similar to that of sea level. At higher altitudes, the pressure of the atmosphere is reduced and the water requires a lower temperature to reach boiling.

When the water begins to boil, the temperature stops increasing and rapid evaporation occurs.

Taking advantage of the process

The process we are addressing must be made clear that it has been very important throughout the history of humanity. And since time immemorial it has been used to undertake water sterilization . Thus, it was subjected to this boiling process to kill various microorganisms or bacteria that could cause all types of infections and viruses.

Among the most frequent uses of that aforementioned process has been and is the sterilization of the various surgical instruments that are used to carry out operations on patients in hospitals, or in the food sector to increase the useful life of various products.

In the same way, we must not forget that boiling has also been used in the scientific field since it requires the sterilization of various objects and tools that are used in research work . In this way, it is possible to prevent materials or containers from being contaminated and spoiling the tasks and analyzes carried out.


Boiling is achieved when a liquid becomes a gas.

Boiling water reactor

In addition to the above, it must also be made known that there is an instrument that also takes the word boiling as part of its nomenclature. We are referring to the boiling water reactor , also known as BWR ( boiling water reactor ), which is a light water nuclear reactor.

Specifically, its operation is based on a circuit where the relevant nuclear fuel is deposited. What this in turn does is boil the water and produce the corresponding steam that will move a turbine and start an electric generator.

Symbolic use of the concept

In a symbolic or metaphorical sense, the concept of boiling is used to name a commotion or revolt of the spirit.

For example: “After the game, the boiling tempers of the players of both teams ended up giving rise to a general brawl that ended with several injuries.”