Definition of


The first step to know the meaning of the term doubtful is to discover its etymological origin. In this case we can establish that it is a word that derives from Latin, exactly from “dubitativus”, which can be translated as “he who hesitates between two answers”. Word that is the result of the sum of two lexical components:

-The word “dubius”, which means “doubtful” or “hesitant”.

-The suffix “-tive”, which serves to indicate “active or passive relationship”.

Doubtful is an adjective that is used with reference to that or that which denotes a doubt . Doubt, on the other hand, is called indecision between two dispositions or judgments; to uncertainty regarding an event; or to hesitation .

DoubtfulHe who is doubtful, therefore, doubts about something. For example: “When asked about his continuity in the club, the player seemed doubtful” , “I ask the president to stop being doubtful and to start defending national interests with greater commitment” , “The boy managed to convince to a doubtful friend and thus found an accomplice to carry out his misdeed."

Among the synonyms of doubtful we can highlight indecisive, doubtful, hesitant and even hesitant. On the contrary, if we take into account its antonyms we can highlight both confident and determined.

When making a decision, a subject can be sure or doubtful. Suppose a man saved money to buy a car. When he raises a certain sum, he doesn't hesitate: he buys a 0 kilometer Ford Fiesta . The buyer was already certain of which car he wanted. On the other hand, another individual who finds himself in a similar situation cannot quite decide: he could buy a Chevrolet Aveo , but the Peugeot 208 , the Renault Clio , the Volkswagen Polo and the Suzuki Swift also seem like good options. This man, therefore, is doubtful.

Generally, being doubtful is associated with a lack of determination or courage . However, doubting can also be taken as a positive act since it involves reflection that can help avoid making incorrect decisions and help avoid making mistakes.

In the same way, we also have to highlight the existence of what is known as doubtful statements. When this term is used, it is to refer to those established by a person, recording in them a dubious message or something that may be possible but that is not yet considered absolutely certain.

Precisely in this type of messages, doubt or uncertainty is made evident because adverbs of doubt are used such as, among others, perhaps, probably or even maybe.

Some clear examples of doubtful statements could be the following: “Manuel is probably still at the University”, “Alejandro may leave Luisa after having caught her lying to him” or “Elena may go to the opening of an art exhibition tomorrow.” contemporary in a friend’s living room.”