Definition of



A dramatization involves representing a situation or event.

Dramatization is the action and effect of dramatizing . This verb, in turn, refers to giving shape and dramatic conditions or to exaggerating with affected appearances , according to what is indicated by the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) .

A dramatization is, in general, a representation of a certain situation or event. The dramatic is linked to the drama and this to the theater ; Despite its common use in everyday speech, this family of words does not necessarily allude to a tragic story.

Dramatization in the theater

Continuing in the theatrical context, dramatizing a story consists, for example, of adapting a narrative or poetic genre text to the format of a play, where the dialogue between the characters is usually the primary driving force of the representation. This process requires great talent and considerable mastery of language, to be able to give the roles enough naturalness so that the piece seems to show a cut of a reality, while preserving the beauty and depth of the original story. .

When it comes to representing a play, the quality of the drama and the acting skills of those who will interpret it are of equal importance; a good actor can compensate for poor dialogue just as a masterpiece can take precedence over a discreet performance; But both aspects are essential for the audience to feel and believe what the characters, who are not always human, feel and believe . An effective dramatization is based on an intense and constant observation of reality, of living beings and their relationships between them and with themselves.


In theater, dramatization is very important.

The concept in psychology

Psychology usually uses dramatizations so that the members of a therapeutic group can express themselves without inhibitions, externalize their feelings and frustrations in a fluid and almost unconscious way, giving rise to a more precise and functional treatment. Many times we seek to resolve problems between a patient and a member of his family who would in no way agree to accompany him to the office, and through dramatizations the therapist can observe from a privileged perspective the dynamics that exist in the relationship between said individuals.

A clear advantage of this therapeutic resource is that when there is violence between the patient and the person or people represented during the dramatization, it is possible to work on the aggressiveness and repeat the experiment as many times as necessary to achieve an effective level of communication . so that when moving on to the real meeting between the subjects in question, the risk of irreparable damage is reduced.

Dramatization as exaggeration

Outside of acting and psychology, the verb dramatize is often used to describe an exaggerated reaction or attitude , usually as part of a complaint or reproach toward a second person. Accusing someone of dramatizing is the same as saying that they overstate the seriousness of a situation, that they regret too much about something that happens to them or that has been done to them; It goes without saying that this is not done in a friendly tone, but is usually part of an argument or fight.

Dramatization is also a resource widely used in documentaries and investigative television programs, to bring viewers closer to scenes that, for certain reasons, have not been captured in video format. When a study about human evolution is presented, for example, the only way to graph the life that our ancestors led is through a performance; In the same way, an attempt is made to reconstruct the creative process of the brilliant minds of the past, the emotional conflicts of Hollywood stars and the world of music, and even the actions of murderers and rapists.