Definition of


In the Greek is where the etymological origin of the dragon term is located. Exactly it is in the word "Drakón", which can be translated as "dragon" or "snake", and then reach Latin to become "Draco, Draconis."

The term refers to a fantastic creature with a reptile body and wings , which is characterized by its ferocity and its ability to expel fire through the mouth.

DragonThroughout history , many cultures alluded to dragons, making them protagonists of myths, legends and stories. The characteristics attributed to these beings vary according to the region: while in the western world they are usually winged , in the eastern villages they usually lack wings.

Dragons can be presented as aggressive monsters that face heroes or gods , but also as guardians who are responsible for guarding certain places or treasures.

In this sense, we can establish that there are two different types of dragons: oriental and Europeans. The former have, above all, Chinese origin and the latter emerged from Greek mythologies as well as traditions of the old continent.

According to the type of dragon in question and its origin that figure can have one or another symbology. Thus, for example, in the Middle Ages in Europe the dragon was seen as a being that came to symbolize sin and related to the devil.

However, for the Celts, for example, it was a divinity symbol of the forests while in the Himalayan area it comes to represent what good luck is.

The Welsh dragon , red, is one of the most famous. Present in the flag of the European country, the legend tells that the red dragon managed to beat a white dragon, a symbol of evil.

It is also possible to find the presence of dragons in the literature . Jrr Tolkien , in "El Hobbit," includes Smaug , a dragon that must be defeated by Bilbo Bolsón and the dwarves for the recovery of a treasure.

Numerous are the works that revolve around dragons. Good show of that is the cinematographic animation saga "How to train your dragon", whose first part premiered in 2010. He comes to tell the story of friendship that is established between a young Viking, Hipo, who wants to become a warrior and an injured dragon. Together they will achieve their objectives and even overcome the obstacles and prejudices that society has established, above all, in relation to the aforementioned dragons.

It is important to mention that, beyond mythology, a real animal is called a dragon: it is a reptile belonging to the order of the saurios. According to the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ), the dragon measures about twenty centimeters and lives in tropical regions of Asia.

The Komodo dragon , finally, is the common name for the species Varanus komodoensis . This lizard can measure up to three meters and weigh about seventy kilograms.