Definition of


EverywhereDoquier is the apocope of doquiere : wherever (everywhere or anywhere). According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ), the expression do quier can also be used, “do” being the contraction of “de” and “o” that is used as a synonym for “where” .

The most common use of everywhere appears in the adverbial phrase “everywhere,” which refers to that or whoever is everywhere or anywhere . For example: “When I looked out the window, I was amazed: there were flowers everywhere” , “In this city there are stray dogs everywhere, the authorities should build shelters and encourage adoption” , “I'm sorry but I'm not in the mood, I have problems everywhere.”

A journalist specialized in politics, to cite one case, can state in a television program that, in a certain government , there are cases of corruption everywhere . With this comment, the journalist refers to the fact that illegal acts involving officials are numerous and are found in all areas of the administration. If there are cases everywhere, they are not isolated or sporadic.

In a similar sense, a man can complain to the authorities and the media because he claims that, in his neighborhood, there is garbage everywhere . A poor collection service and neighbors who are not responsible for waste management (and who do not receive sanctions for it) mean that waste accumulates in different parts of the area, both on the streets and in parks and in others. public spaces.

If we focus on the study of the etymology of this expression, we discover that it is the contraction of wherever , as mentioned above, and therefore we can understand the essence of its meaning in this context. It is likely that the full version of the expression is everywhere you look , or some of its variations, which is also used in current Spanish, although always within the framework of literature and the written press.

EverywhereRelying on this new expression can lead us to others with a similar meaning, such as being no matter where I look , which also tells us that "everywhere" the same thing happens, "if I look here I will find the same thing as there." As often happens, synonyms cannot always be exchanged for the original word or expression indiscriminately, but it is necessary to choose the most appropriate ones for each case.

If we take some of the examples above and replace everywhere with some of its synonyms, we get sentences like: "No matter where I look, there are stray dogs" or "There were flowers everywhere."

It is important to note that in everyday speech the use of this expression is not common, but we generally resort to those mentioned above to define it, such as "everywhere" or "everywhere." If a person uses it in the middle of an informal conversation, with their friends or even with their work or study colleagues, it will probably give an unnatural image and cause others to think that they are trying to show off their use of the language .

Needless to say, this particularity of certain expressions and words does not do anything good for the development of the language, since it limits oral communication to a series of "normal" elements to avoid being frowned upon. By accepting these implicit rules, we do our part to maintain high the barrier that separates literature from everyday speech, and in a way we make the work of writers more difficult because if they use very rich language they can risk making their texts seem " forced."