Definition of



The domain can be linked to the right of ownership.

From the Latin dominĭum , dominion is the faculty or capacity that a person has to control others or to make use of one's own property. The concept can be associated with power or authority .

For example: "The computer is part of my domain in this house" , "Ricardo has already lost control over his son" , "The government seeks to regain control over the southern region of the country" .

Domain also refers to a certain structure or organization of subjects or knowledge; to the physical or symbolic environment of a discipline; to the exhaustive knowledge regarding an art or a science ; and to the territorial unit that is under the control of a State : «The dominance of poetry in the literary field of the country is undeniable» , «After the war, the Ottoman Empire managed to extend its domains» , «My command of English is almost perfect after ten years of study» .

Domain in the law

In the field of law , ownership is related to the right of ownership , which is the power that an individual has over a good in an immediate and direct manner. Thanks to this property, the owner of the ownership can dispose of his property in the way he wishes, having as a limitation only that which is stipulated by the current legislation.

With respect to the meaning of the term in question, it must be stressed that there are two clearly differentiated types of domains, based on the subject that owns them. Thus, firstly, we should speak of public domain . What is expressed here is that a property, both rights and goods in particular, is intended for the use of the entire community.

Thus, for example, we can determine that a road or highway may be in the public domain, just as may happen with a Town Hall or a hospital that is of this nature.

The second type of domain that we want to make clear is the so-called private domain. In this case, it is defined as the right that a specific group has over a certain property or asset and not the entire community. In this way, we can determine that a company or a plot of land can be privately owned.

However, although these two are the most frequent types of ownership, we cannot ignore the existence of others such as particular , corporal or immovable ownership.


An Internet domain is a name that is associated with an IP address.

The concept on the Internet

An Internet domain is also known as the name of a computer associated with a numeric IP address . This domain allows various nodes to be linked so that their identification is simpler: "I need to renew the domain for my company's website."

In this sense, it should also be added that among the most important domains that exist worldwide are the following: .com , which is used for different web pages; .es, which is directly associated with Spain ; .ar , which is for Argentina ; .org , which is for organizations of various kinds; or .edu, which is used for issues related to education.