Definition of



A person's permanent home constitutes their domicile.

Domicile comes from the Latin domicilĭum which, in turn, has its origin in the term domus ( "house" ). The concept is used to name the permanent and fixed home of a person.

For example: "I'm going to order a taxi to get to my home faster" , "To hire the company's services, you have to have an address in this city" , "The police reported that the home was violated by criminals" .

The address is an attribute that can be applied to any person, both physical and legal. This is the residence in which the person has the real or presumed intention of residing.

At a legal level, the domicile represents the territorial district where the person settles to exercise their rights and comply with their obligations. A subject must vote in the city where it has established its domicile, while a company can be brought to justice in the courts where it has established its headquarters.

The legal address (that is, that declared before the State ) may not coincide with the actual address. This is the case of an individual who moved from Córdoba to Mendoza but did not make the change of address; Therefore, the Córdoba territory appears as the place of residence in your document. Beyond their actual home, this person will have their rights and obligations established in Córdoba .


To send a postal letter to an individual, you must know their address.

Other classifications

In addition to everything stated above, we cannot ignore the existence of other types of domicile. Thus, there is what is known as the registered office, which is the one that a company or a specific professional has.

It should be noted that, according to the department and the area, it is possible to distinguish between different types of domiciles, such as the civil domicile , the political domicile or the tax domicile .

The expression "at home"

Likewise, it must be emphasized that we come across expressions or locutions that resort to the use of the term in question. One of them is the adverbial phrase "at home" , which is usually used to refer to all those companies that carry out their functions in the client's home. A clear example of this can be the pizzerias that take orders directly to the homes of the people who have requested one.

That same expression is also used in the field of sports. In this case, it is common to talk about a team playing a game away from home when this match is going to be played in their city and on their field.

A verb linked to this concept

Of course, we must not forget a verb that is precisely part of the concept at hand. We are referring to the verb domiciliary, which is used in everyday language with two different uses:

• To refer to the fact that a person has decided to establish his or her domicile in a certain place.

• To make it clear that a citizen authorizes his banking entity to pay the bills that reach his bank account. In this way, for example, it is common for a customer of a telephone operator to make the decision to direct debit their monthly bills so that the bank pays them directly through the authorized account.