Definition of



The set of documents that make the accreditation of something possible is known as documentation.

Documentation , from the Latin word documentatio , is the act and result of documenting : demonstrating something through documents or evidence. The term usually refers to the set of documents that allow the accreditation of something to be achieved.

For example: "I have to find out what documentation is required to enter the United States" , "The police raided the company headquarters with the aim of seizing documentation" , "It is prohibited to drive without vehicle documentation" .

Personal documentation is made up of those documents that prove the identity of an individual: the national identity document, the passport , etc. These documents are issued by a state authority and may be required to carry out various procedures.

Documentation to travel abroad

One of the situations in which we commonly need part of our documentation takes place when we are preparing to travel abroad, that is, to another country. In this case, the national identity document usually has no validity; the authorities at sea ports, airports, railway and bus stations require the presentation of the passport.

Before traveling to a foreign country we must consult the conditions , which may be different in each case depending on international relations. It is common for immigrants not to be able to stay in their destination for more than a few months, generally three, and for their passage through the country to have certain restrictions, such as the impossibility of getting a job if they have a tourist visa. On foreign soil, the passport is the only valid document to prove your identity, and certain requirements come into play here as well.

For example, some countries require that immigrants ' passports be no older than a certain age, such as six months or less. But the documentation to stay in a foreign country does not end at the mere passport, but sometimes it is necessary to request certain certificates. People who have dual citizenship, that is, with that of the country in which they were born and with another, which allows them to enter and leave the second country as if they were natives there, must inform themselves about the necessary documentation to regularize their situation. before and after the first trip, and also to transfer your citizenship to your immediate family members.


To travel abroad, you need to present personal documentation to the authorities.

Obtaining citizenship

Children usually receive citizenship directly and naturally, without the need to carry out any procedure, but for spouses the situation can be very different, even impossible.

The requirements and exceptions, without leaving aside the fine print and the changes that arise over the years, make the issue of documentation for traveling and, especially, residing abroad very complex. All these difficulties seek to overwhelm the majority of people so that only a few, who are really willing to sacrifice, overcome the barrier.

Other types of documentation

To drive a car , on the other hand, it is mandatory to have certain documentation. In Argentina , to cite one case, all drivers must carry their driver's license, the vehicle identification card (known as the green card), proof of insurance payment and the vehicle technical verification report (VTV). The police may require this documentation in public and apply sanctions to anyone who does not display it.

Companies , at a general level, have to manage and maintain documentation during their activity. Depending on the case, the documentation may consist of invoices issued, balance sheets, sworn statements and certificates issued by authorities in your field to operate.

The discipline dedicated to collecting and organizing documents, finally, is called documentation. Its purpose is to secure and facilitate data storage and access to them.