Definition of


Marriage breakup

Divorce involves the dissolution of a marriage.

Divorce is the action and effect of divorcing or getting divorced (dissolving a marriage by legal means, separating or separating people or things that were together). The term has its etymological origin in the Latin divortium .

For example: «I just signed the divorce with Marcos; the situation was no longer enough" , "My wife asked me for a divorce because she thinks I cheated on her, but it was a misunderstanding" , "A corruption scandal ended with the divorce of the most successful business duo in recent times" .

Divorce in different regions

Most Western countries consider marriage as a union between two people with legal, social and cultural recognition. Its objective is to provide a framework for mutual protection and the protection of the offspring of both people. It should be noted that this bond gives rise to rights and obligations for both parties.

Divorce, therefore, is the legal or religious dissolution of marriage by agreement between both parties or by violation of any of the marital rights or obligations. Legislation usually grants protection to both the woman and the children born during the relationship.

When the law or religion does not allow divorce, separation occurs in fact, with no other basis than the dissolution of the relationship and the separation of both people.

Historically, the decision to divorce has been frowned upon by society , given that, for many, marriage is a union that should last a lifetime . In recent decades, however, this conception has changed and today divorce is accepted as the normal option for relationships that do not work.

broken heart

Many times divorce is the legal confirmation of a separation that had already taken place.

Prenuptial agreement

The prenuptial agreement , also known as a prenup , is a contract that two parties enter into before getting married. In it, they must specify their assets and the destination they will have in the event that the union ends by mutual decision, as occurs through divorce.

Culturally, the idea of ​​signing a separation of property before marriage is considered inconsistent with the mutual trust that should characterize an engaged couple. On the other hand, legal specialists agree that it is a wise decision to protect one's assets, especially if one takes into account that statistically the percentage of successful marriages is decreasing .

It is worth mentioning that not only wealthy people enter into prenuptial agreements ; Although it is common for the concept to be part of news related to movie stars, it is also the path that many middle-class individuals choose before committing to their other half . We must not forget that this type of contract also offers protection to children, since it ensures the absence of violent trials , so typical in the event of divorce.

As expected, there are limits regarding the claims that each party can express in a prenuptial agreement; For example, it is not possible to specify who will take care of the minors in the event of a breakup , nor to anticipate the visitation regime or the delivery of a monthly pension . On the other hand, it is possible to point out aspects such as religious beliefs, the relationships that will be maintained with relatives, and preferred pets.

However, experts advise avoiding those matters that are difficult to ratify in the case of divorce , and focusing on purely property issues. Needless to say, a prenuptial contract's primary objective is to prevent one of the spouses from taking advantage of their partner's financial situation, both to pay old debts and to strip them of their assets after a premeditated separation.

Finally, there is an agreement called cohabitation , which can be entered into by people who live together and do not plan to get married. Likewise, a couple that has not signed a prenuptial contract can resort to a postnuptial contract.