Definition of


Arithmetic operation

Division is an arithmetic operation.

Division , from the Latin divisio , is the action and result of dividing (separate, dose, distribute, disintegrate). In the field of mathematics , division is an arithmetic operation where a figure is decomposed .

Mathematical division, therefore, looks for the value called quotient, which represents the number of times that one number (called dividend) appears in another (known as divisor), through a standardized procedure, which can vary according to the country, although not significantly.

Division Types

The division can be exact (if the remainder is zero) or inexact (when the remainder is different from zero). When the division is inexact, it means that the divisor does not appear contained an exact number of times in the dividend, but rather a remainder remains. For example: 6 / 2 = 3 ( "six divided two equals three" ) is an exact division.

The inverse operation of division is multiplication . Continuing with the previous example, it can be said that 3 x 2 = 6 ( "three multiplied by two is equal to six" ) since the dividend is equal to the quotient multiplied by the divisor plus the remainder ( 6 = 3 x 2 + 0 ) .

A complex operation

Generally, division is considered the most complex operation, taking into account only the four basic ones. It is very likely that a person who is reluctant to do mathematical calculations can solve an addition or a subtraction, or even a multiplication, with some ease, as long as few figures are involved and decimal numbers do not come into play. But division has a much greater intimidating power .

If you think carefully about its objective , it is difficult to understand that it generates more rejection than its inverse: if, for example, we take 14 pencils and we must divide them by 2, we will have the mental image of all the elements, and it will simply be necessary to group them; On the contrary, when trying to solve 2 pencils by 7, we cannot visualize the total volume of elements from the beginning, so this account should cost us more.


The division of marital property is a legal process that grants the members of a marriage that breaks up a part of the profits that the couple obtained after the marriage.

Other uses of the division concept

A military level, una división es una unit composed of two or more regiments that is provided with auxiliary services: “The I Infantry Division is already in enemy territory and is ready to enter combat”.

Division is also the group in which sports teams or athletes participate according to their category : “The green-black team achieved promotion to the first division after achieving a new victory.”

Separation of marital property

In legal jargon , the so-called division or separation of marital property refers to a legal procedure that allows both members of a marriage to obtain a part of the marital property , the material assets that they have acquired after the marriage. It may also be a prenuptial contract, in which case it will record the belongings of each spouse before getting married, so that these do not enter into a potential distribution, in the event of divorce.

Marriage , under the law, is nothing more than a partnership and, as such, your assets are as important a part of the equation as the people involved. In this way, no matter the sentimental issues that lead to a separation, the division of assets is mandatory once said union ends. With this same rule, children are measured, community assets that must be distributed , supposedly seeking the best for them. If any of the above points are not specified at the beginning of the process , it will be the justice system that decides how to act in each case, after a pertinent evaluation.

Division as a discrepancy

In everyday language , finally, division is associated with dissociation or discrepancy .

“These policies do nothing but encourage the division of the people” is an expression that shows this use of the concept.