Definition of

Curriculum design

Curriculum planning

Curriculum design is associated with the organization and development of an educational plan.

In order to know the meaning of the term curricular design, it is necessary, first of all, to discover the etymological origin of the two words that give it shape:

-Design comes from the Italian “disegno”, which can be translated as “draw”.

-Curricular, for its part, emanates from the Latin "curriculum", which means "study plan" and is the result of the sum of two clearly delimited components of said language: the noun "cursus", which is synonymous with "career" , and the suffix "-culo", which can be translated as "instrument" or "means".

What is curriculum design

The notion of design can be used to name the delineation of something (a project, a work, etc.). Curricular , for its part, is that linked to a curriculum : a study program.

The idea of ​​curricular design , therefore, refers to a process that allows organizing and developing an educational plan . Through this structuring we seek to satisfy the training needs of the students.

The curricular design is reflected in a document that presents the structure of the education plan, detailing the characteristics and projecting the scope of the training. This document mentions the objectives of the curriculum, the competencies that are sought to be developed, the results that are pursued and the certification that is provided.


The scope of a career is projected in the curricular design.

Planning objectives

Thanks to the curricular design, it is possible to assert that the training is relevant according to the level of training. Teachers find in it a guide to carry out their pedagogical work.

It can be said that curricular design defines what, how and when it is taught . It also provides answers to these questions regarding the action of evaluating. Ideological concepts, social factors, issues linked to epistemology and themes specific to psychology are part of the design.

How curriculum design is carried out

In order to carry out a curricular design, it is necessary to be clear that a series of tasks must be carried out, such as the following:

-The diagnosis of problems and needs regarding the context and the existing situation. Specifically, this work is made up of three fundamental stages: the study of what the theoretical framework is, the exploration of real situations and the determination of problems and needs.

-The modeling of the curriculum, in which, for example, the contents necessary to achieve the desired objectives are determined.

-Curriculum structuring, where, for example, the order in which the curricular design will be developed is chosen.

-The organization for implementation, that is, the establishment of measures to guarantee what is the implementation of the curricular project.

-The design of the curricular evaluation, which must have as its starting point what are terminal objectives.

Curricular design, in short, is the procedure that enables the general planning of academic activities . The curriculum, once defined, is then adapted to the particular conditions of each educational establishment, always respecting the principles established in the design. In this way, the aim is to guarantee that each of the students can develop their potential , train and conclude the educational process prepared to integrate at a higher level or into the world of work.