Definition of



A film director makes the most important decisions in the filming of a film.

Director is an adjective that refers to the one who directs . The verb direct, for its part, is linked to the action of carrying something to a designated term or place; guide through signs or directions; direct the intention and operations to a certain end; give rules for managing a company ; guide; or mark a certain artistic orientation for those involved in a work or show.

The etymological origin of this word is found in Latin. Specifically, it comes from the sum of three components of said language: the prefix di- , which is equivalent to "divergence"; the verb regere , which is synonymous with "to govern"; and the suffix -tor , which can be used as "agent" .

Types of directors

It is possible, therefore, to refer to different types of directors. A film director or filmmaker is the person who, when filming a film , is in charge of deciding the camera setting, giving instructions to the actors, supervising the scenery and costumes and carrying out other actions that allow the filming to be carried out successfully. .

For example: "Last night I saw a great film by a Swedish director" , "Steven Spielberg is my favorite director" , "Terminator, Titanic and Avatar are some of the most successful films by director James Cameron" .

The conductor , on the other hand, is the person who is dedicated to coordinating the various instruments that make up an orchestra. This conductor must keep the tempo of the performance, indicate dynamic accents, and signal the entrance of individual instrumental groups. To give his instructions, the conductor uses gestures and the movement of a stick known as a baton .

Within the religious sphere, we find the so-called spiritual director . This is the position held by the person, specifically the priest , who is in charge of advising all those faithful who ask him for help for questions related to conscience or morality.


In a company, the director is in charge of management.

The person in charge of a school center

In schools, for example, there is also a director. This has a wide series of functions that must be carried out for the correct functioning of the school , institute or university. Among those the following stand out:

  • Plan, coordinate and control both academic and administrative activities.
  • Evaluate the work carried out by the teachers who make up the staff.
  • Ensure compliance with the established standards, both by educators and students and the rest of the people who make up the educational community.
  • Lead the teachers' council.
  • Be the manager and evaluator of the different programs of complementary, special, cultural, sports activities... that are developed within the framework of the center.
  • Organize and approve the schedules of the various activities as well as all the school groups and, therefore, the teachers.
  • Manage and respond to the Ministry of Education for everything that has to do with the center.

technical director

In a sports team, the technical director is the one in charge of managing training, developing the strategy and deciding who will play each game.

The functions of the technical director exceed the sport itself, since he must also guarantee good coexistence in the group and keep the players motivated.