Definition of



Dissemination consists of making a message known to as many people as possible.

Diffusion is the action and effect of disseminating (propagating, disseminating or spreading). The term, which comes from the Latin diffusio , refers to the extended communication of a message.

For example: «The city has beautiful tourist attractions, but it fails in its dissemination; That's why it doesn't receive as many visitors" , "The government has launched a dissemination campaign to counter criticism from the opposition" , "My niece works in a non-governmental organization to disseminate its activities" , "I'm going to create a press release for the dissemination of this venture .

The work of journalists and social communication experts

Journalists and social communication experts are the professionals chosen by companies and organizations to work on the dissemination of their products, services, activities, etc. The media, such as television, radio, printed publications or the Internet, are the channels used to disseminate content on a mass level.

In the field of business, the diffusion of innovations is a concept that refers to the acceptance of a new product by the market . Advertising and marketing influence this process.


The media contribute to the mass dissemination of information.

Tips to improve the dissemination of a blog

Given the large number of blogs that currently exist on the Internet , it is increasingly expensive to achieve an acceptable number of regular readers , which is vital for this type of publication. Getting lost in a sea of ​​offerings is disappointing for those who strive to generate innovative content; Therefore, it is important to contrast the hard work of research and writing with a series of practices, which are detailed below:

* make the information as user-friendly as possible : first of all, it is essential to know the characteristics of the audience to which a blog is directed. However, it never hurts to have a percentage of occasional readers who eventually collaborate with the dissemination of the content. Therefore, even if the information is aimed at professionals with well-defined technical knowledge, it is advisable to make short texts, with pauses that make them easier to digest , and offer the most complete and purely textual versions in downloadable files or independent pages;

* make use of social networks : social networks represent a very powerful and versatile tool, since on the one hand they serve to improve the dissemination of news and information in general, but they also maintain a bond with readers who do not breaks when they leave the blog;

* create videos : thanks to the level of accessibility provided by current video editing tools , many of them free, it is not necessary to be an expert to create an attractive and impressive presentation with images and sound. Invariably, including a video in a post makes it more tempting for those who escape from reading whenever they can and complements it for those who seek to squeeze 110% of the information;

* collaborate with other creators : Historically, collaborations between different sites have proven to be very fruitful for content creators. Among the advantages of a relationship between blogs is the potential increase in followers, the enrichment of teamwork and the greater dissemination that arises naturally, given that both parties will advertise each other.

The concept in physics

In another sense, diffusion is a physical process through which material particles are introduced into a medium that was previously absent, which increases the entropy of the system formed by the diffused particles and the medium in which they diffuse.

Physical diffusion is subject to Fick's Law , which maintains that the permeable membrane allows the passage of particles and solvent down the concentration gradient.