Definition of



Differences arise from characteristics or qualities that are not shared with the rest.

Difference is the quality that allows something to be distinguished from something else . The term, which comes from the Latin differentia , can be used to name the variety of things of the same species .

For example: "The main difference between both models is that the first car consumes more fuel" , "Beyond the price, it is very difficult to find differences between these two phones, which proves their lack of authenticity" , "There is no difference between going to do the shopping now or after lunch .

How to notice the differences

Difference, therefore, is the opposite of equality or similarity . The greater the number of characteristics or qualities that are not shared, the greater the difference. In other words: two very similar things or two very similar people have few differences.

The differences can be noticed through the senses (objects that are different to sight, touch, etc.) or be noticed for symbolic reasons (two twins can be very different if one shows a calm character and the other is restless).

In another sense, the dissent, opposition or controversy between two or more people is known as a difference: "The coach has presented his unavoidable resignation due to differences with the team captain," "The issue aroused a great difference among the company's directors." » , «We get along very well as a couple because we have too many differences» .

People with different characteristics

The differences between people can be enriching.

The richness of diversity

Differences in character or tastes do not necessarily have a negative impact on an interpersonal relationship . It is impossible to anticipate the result of the approach of two strangers, given that there are those who seek to feel complemented by the characteristics of the other, as well as those who do not want to deal with the rough edges that sometimes occur between two opposite personalities.

On a cultural level, differences can bring us a lot of wealth. Starting from the most obvious aspects, such as physical features and language, there is a great variety of people in the world and each individual creates a reality in which he feels comfortable, which represents normality for him. However, by entering the limits of a foreign reality, you have the possibility of contrasting your beliefs and customs with other, potentially opposing ones, and of reinforcing your own or adopting new ones.

Despite society's efforts to create groups of people incapable of making decisions for themselves, each and every one of us has a unique combination of traits, both physical and mental . Every time an individual relies on his differences to enhance his talent , a genius is born, someone who transcends and who, no matter how many try to imitate him, never gets lost in the crowd.

The expression "make a difference"

The expression "making a difference" refers to striving to display a particular trait when making an action or creation public. This usually applies in the business field, especially when it comes to products or services that encounter a lot of competition in the market. In such cases, each person's success revolves around those characteristics that make them unique , those aspects that differentiate them from others.

Unfortunately, it is also possible to use this expression to talk about good deeds , the acts of absolute dedication that certain people carry out when they help the victims of a natural disaster, or a war, or when they rescue animals from the clutches of others. human beings and give them the life they deserve. We have done and continue to do so much harm to our fellow human beings that having compassion for others has become a rare phenomenon, capable of making a difference .

The concept in mathematics

For mathematics , the difference is the result of subtraction or subtraction (one of the basic operations of arithmetic).

Subtraction consists of removing a certain amount (the subtrahend) from a figure (the minuend). The resulting amount is the difference.