Definition of



A court ruling is called an opinion.

From the Latin opinion , an opinion is a judgment developed or communicated regarding some issue. The term is not used very frequently in everyday language, but is more associated with the judicial or legislative field.

The ruling, therefore, can be a judicial sentence pronounced by a court or a judge . In this way, a case or litigation is terminated. What the ruling does is recognize the right of one of the parties involved in the process, establishing the obligation of the other party to accept the resolution and respect it.

Types of opinion

In the case of criminal law , the ruling establishes the conviction or provides acquittal to the accused. If he is found guilty, the ruling establishes the appropriate punishment as defined by law .

The ruling, therefore, can be condemnatory (the judge accepts the claims of the person suing) or acquittal (the judge agrees with the accused). Another classification speaks of a firm ruling (the filing of appeals is not accepted) and an appealable ruling (the filing of appeals is possible).

For example: “This afternoon the ruling of the case that shocked the country and that could put the businessman in prison will be known,” “After hearing the ruling, the victim's relatives unleashed their fury and exploded against the court,” “The ruling “conformed to both parties.”


A ruling can be acquittal or condemnatory.

The term in the legislative field

In the legislative field, an opinion is a document studied, discussed, voted on and accepted by the majority of the members of a commission.

It is, therefore, a constitutive legislative act that certifies compliance with a procedural requirement.

Audit opinion

In turn, if the concept is analyzed in financial terms, it can refer to the opinion or judgment that an auditor makes when performing an external audit . This opinion can be of four different types:

* Unqualified opinion : It occurs when the result of the Balance Sheet, the Exchange and Income Statements are considered correct or reasonable by the auditor; That is, they comply with the provisions of accounting principles.

* Qualified opinion : At the end of his work, the auditor discovers that although the balance sheets have returned a reasonable result, there are some threads that reveal a possible loss or qualification in the actions carried out by the company .

* Adverse opinion : When the balance sheets do not return a reasonable result or the fundamental principles of accounting have not been met, this type of opinion takes place. In it, the External Auditor explains what the irregularities are and offers possible solutions to them.

* Opinion with abstention of opinion : This occurs when the Auditor is restricted by the company to investigate certain aspects that could help resolve the inconveniences or irregularities that may have been noticed in the result of the Balance Sheet. Without access to the important details of the transactions, the auditor must opt ​​for an impartial decision.

The role of the external auditor

It is important to note that an audit consists of the examination, based on clear evidence that emerges from each of the financial actions that the company has carried out, of the financial statements of a company.

At the end of the study of these actions, the external auditor must offer a document that reflects the results of his investigation, which have legal validity and can be used by the company to present as evidence in a trial or any other legislative action.

It should be explained that an external auditor is a professional or firm of economic specialists who is responsible for reviewing the performance of a company according to what is recorded in its records. They can be hired for different reasons, but they are generally consulted to obtain a certificate that proves the veracity of the figures that are reflected in their various accounting books. The auditor must be someone outside the company so that his or her view is impartial and is not carried away by favoritism or personal interests.