Definition of


Little girl

A portrait is a drawing that generally represents the face of a human being.

A drawing is a figure , image or delineation that is usually made manually with the help of an instrument (such as a pencil or a brush) on different materials. The term refers to both the figure itself and the art that teaches how to draw. For example: “My son made a drawing of the whole family and gave it to me for my birthday,” “I need to make a drawing of the human body as a school assignment,” “My drawing teacher says I have talent,” “Barbara made a “beautiful drawing of flowers while waiting for her turn with the dentist.”

Before continuing with the analysis of the meaning, we will determine the etymological origin of the concept. In this sense, we have to establish that the word drawing comes from a French verb: déboissier , which can be translated precisely as “to draw” .

Types of drawings

There are many types of drawings. Thus, for example, we find freehand drawing ; that is, without resting your hand on the concrete surface at any time. Colored pencils, markers, pens, watercolors, India ink or other materials and instruments can be used.

There is also the linear drawing which, as its name indicates, is one that is made up of a series of geometric shapes and segments of various kinds. Each geometric figure is made using tools such as rulers, squares, compasses, bevels... When a computer resource is used for illustration, such as drawing programs, it is called digital drawing .

If we focus on the characteristics of what is illustrated, we can differentiate between expressionist drawing , figurative drawing , realistic drawing , symbolic drawing , abstract drawing , conceptual drawing or surrealist drawing , among other categories.

The technical drawing , meanwhile, is a graphic representation that provides the necessary information to analyze an object, contribute to its design and enable its construction. In this group we can include architectural drawing or architectural drawing , to mention one possibility.

Still life

Still life drawing shows flowers, animals or other elements in a specific space.

The animations

Nor can we forget the so-called animated drawing , which is one that cartoonists draw and that then, through certain tools from the field of film and television, “comes to life.” In this way, series and movies starring these unique characters are created.

Such is the technical quality and narrative complexity that cartoons made by large companies currently have that both children and adults have become true fans of this type of productions. Thus, in terms of animation, we could highlight series such as the one starring SpongeBob SquarePants or the now classic Simpson family.

In cinematographic matters, there are many films that throughout history have achieved great success. Thus, there would be “Dumbo” , “Beauty and the Beast” , “Cars” , “Toy Story” , “Monsters SA” , “Brave” and “Tarzan” , among many others.


In industrial design, it is common for a drawing to start as a sketch.

Drawing throughout history

Drawings have always played a very important role in human expression. In prehistory , human beings drew on the walls or ceilings of the caves in which they lived to transmit certain knowledge or portray moments in their lives. Drawings of hunting scenes were common.

During the Middle Ages , colored drawings were widely used to explain or expand certain texts, generally religious. These were symbolic drawings and not so realistic. Starting with the Renaissance , drawing tried to look more and more like reality.

Its importance in childhood

Drawing is very important in childhood. It is a vehicle of expression that allows children to express their thoughts, communicate their emotions and show their perceptions.

Drawing also helps improve fine motor skills , enhances creativity and lays the foundation for the development of writing. That is why it is important to encourage children to draw on paper or other support from an early age.

Drawing in childhood goes through various stages, from the beginning with scribbles to achieving a representation of the human figure and, later, precision in proportions, perspectives, etc.

Depending on the age, it is common to draw animals, draw vehicles, draw superheroes, draw robots, draw monsters or draw dragons, for example. Each child has their preferences: in some cases, this attachment to drawing can translate into an interest in comics , manga or graphic novels .

Other uses of the notion of drawing

The concept of drawing also allows us to name the embroidery or reliefs that adorn an object : “I love the drawing on this tablecloth.”

The notion, finally, refers to the set of grooves that a tire presents : “The driver was forced to change the tires for others with a different pattern and greater grip on the track.”