Definition of



A newspaper is a publication that is printed and distributed every day.

From the Latin diarĭum , the word diary refers to that which corresponds to every day . For example: "Daily physical activity is recommended for health" , "It is not good to eat hamburgers every day" .

On the other hand, a newspaper is a newspaper that is published every day . It is a printed publication that presents news and whose main functions are to inform, educate and entertain.

Newspaper Features

The newspapers publish chronicles , reports , opinion articles , stock market information, weather data, show programming, comic strips and different hobbies. Typically, certain days of the week include special supplements dealing with specific topics.

There are many media outlets that exist around the world, however, there are some that are especially important and significant, as would be the case, for example, of Germany's "Bild" which has about five million copies, the "Sun » from England, the «Daily Mail» also from England, the «Clarín» from Argentina, «El País» from Spain or some from the United States such as the «Wall Street Journal», the «USA Today», the «Washington Post» or the "New York Times."


Newspapers are media with great influence on public opinion.

Financing of publications

The newspapers are maintained thanks to the price per copy that readers pay, subscriptions (there are people who request the newspaper to be delivered to their home) and advertising . The free press, which has no cost to the reader, is supported only by advertising revenue.

It should be noted that there are newspapers that consider themselves independent, but many others admit to defending different ideological or economic currents. There are even newspapers that are the official organ of dissemination of political parties or the voice of a government.

The concept of diary in literature

In the field of Literature, people have opted on many occasions to revolve their stories around personal diaries. This would be the case, for example, of the novel titled "Noah's Diary." Nicholas Sparks is the author of this story that tells us how a man always reads to a woman the pages of a diary where the love story between two young people is told who have to face all kinds of obstacles in their relationship to be able to have that one. to a good port.

In the same way we can also highlight other works that are presented as private documents. This would be the case of the work that Valerie Tasso published under the title "Diary of a Nymphomaniac." In it we are introduced to the figure of a French woman of good social standing who will find herself working as a luxury prostitute.

The sexual relationships that she will have throughout her life or the man she lives with and who psychologically abuses her are some of the pillars of this narrative.

Subgenre of autobiography


On the other hand, a personal diary or intimate diary is a subgenre of autobiography . In these journals, the author writes down their thoughts or activities for later and usually private reading. They also constitute a space to express feelings as a catharsis.

There are personal diaries that have been transformed into mass-selling books as testimonial stories, such as the "Diary of Anne Frank" .