Definition of



The idea of ​​dialogue can refer to a conversation.

Originating from the Latin word dialŏgus (which, in turn, derives from a Greek word), a dialogue describes a conversation between two or more individuals , who express their ideas or feelings in an alternative way in order to exchange positions. In this sense, a dialogue is also a discussion or contact that arises with the purpose of reaching an agreement .

An example of this meaning of the word in question could be the one presented below: "The leaders of the two most important political parties in the country established an intense dialogue to try to find a solution and thus establish an agreement with the aim of improving the economic situation."

Dialogue in literature

On the other hand, dialogue can be described within the framework of a literary work , in prose or verse, in which a conversation takes place or controversies arise between two or more characters. It is used as a textual typology in literature when two characters appear who make use of diegetic discourse and act as interlocutors.

In this literary field, we must highlight the existence of an author who established dialogue as a genre. This is none other than the Greek philosopher Plato, who has an interesting work that is classified into four categories depending on the stage of his life to which they correspond.

Thus, firstly there are the Socratic dialogues, which are the texts he wrote during his youth and which focus on ethical issues. Secondly, there are the transitional works which revolve around politics, and the third category corresponds to the critical dialogues which were written during his maturity and which are characterized by the fact that in them he talks about myths and ideas.

Finally, the fourth category is the one that includes the so-called dialogues of old age. In them, he not only raises questions that have already been the focus of previous works, but also attempts to address new themes such as, for example, medicine and also nature.

Conversation with historical figures

Likewise, we must not forget that, throughout history, many writers have used the term dialogue to title works in which they themselves "converse" with important people or with certain elements of our daily lives.

This would be the case, for example, of Victoria Ocampo with Dialogue with Borges or of Gianni Vattimo with Dialogue with Nietzsche .


A dialogue enables communication between two or more individuals.

Dialogue as a communicative resource

In its most common use, dialogue is a form present in both oral and written discourse in which two or more people communicate with each other. It is a valid and appropriate resource for exchanging ideas by any means, whether direct or indirect.

Dialogue can be either a friendly conversation or a violent argument. In any case, dialogue is often referred to as an exposition and exchange of thoughts where the interlocutor's positions are accepted and the participants are willing to modify their own points of view. That is why there is a consensus on the need for dialogue in fields such as politics , for example.

It is said that the will to power and authoritarianism tend to exclude dialogue, as they claim that their truth is the only valid one and discredit the opinions of opponents, in an attempt to strengthen their dominance.

Genuine dialogue seeks to find the truth and promote knowledge without prejudice, unlike rhetoric that seeks to persuade and convince through the manipulation of opinion.