Definition of


Many needle clocks

A right-handed movement is a clockwise rotation.

Right-handed is an adjective that describes something that rotates in the direction in which the hands of a clock move .

Right-handed rotation

A spin can be referred to as right-handed when it traces a clockwise path . The opposite is a left-handed rotation , developed in a counter-clockwise direction.

Right-handed mixture

A mixture or substance is called right-handed if it bends the plane of polarized light to the right when viewed toward the source. This means that they have the capacity to produce said turn . An example of a right-handed substance is sucrose , since the spin it produces is 66.5 degrees or more.

Another name it is known by is sucrose , although its scientific name is α-D-Glucopyranosyl – (1 -> 2) – β-D-Fructofuranoside . It is a disaccharide, whose crystal is transparent; It can be seen white in most observations because the light undergoes multiple diffraction when passing through its crystals. Generally, table sugar (also known as common sugar ) is nothing more than unpurified sucrose , meaning it is a widely used substance throughout the world.

Right-handed snail

A snail is right-handed when its shell rolls to the right . This shows us an application of this concept in the field of zoology . These individuals are the most common, although there are also those that have a left-handed shell (known as left-handed ).

Whether the snail's shell is right-handed or left-handed has different effects. A curious one is that the snakes of the Pareas iwasakii species have adapted, thanks to evolution, their lower jaw since they feed on snails. As most snails are right-handed, these snakes have more teeth on the right side of the lower jaw, so that they can extract the body of their prey from the shell more easily.

in botany

The direction of the tendrils of the guiding plants is right-handed if they move towards the right. Here we see the concept used in the field of botany .

The word tendril is defined as a leaf, a petiole or a specialized stem that some climbing plants use to achieve their attachment to other plants or to a specific structure. There is a wide variety, although the foliar and stem ones stand out, which are produced from the transformation of the leaves or the stem, respectively.

in physics

A right-handed polarized wave rotates clockwise. This concept belongs to physics and can be explained as a circularly or elliptically polarized wave that, from the point of view of an observer, rotates as a function of time in a given fixed plane normal to the direction in which it propagates and clockwise.

Let us remember that electromagnetic polarization is the property of waves capable of oscillation with two or more orientations. It is generally applied to transverse waves, especially electromagnetic waves, but it is also observed in transverse mechanics.

snail in the grass

The shell of the right-handed snail curls to the right.


The etymology of the word dextrogyro refers us to two Latin words: dexter (which can be translated as “which is on the right” ) and gyrus (translatable as “turn” ). This rotation is generally said to have the same direction as clockwise .

This word belongs to the set of juxtaposed words, which are formed by joining two others, one in front of the other. It is important to note that these compound terms contain the other two in their entirety, not fractions of them. In addition to right-handed , we can mention the following examples of juxtaposed words: can opener, bittersweet, up and down, welcome, birthday, sunflower, dishwasher, aircraft carrier and lifebuoy .