Definition of


DetoxificationThe Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) does not include the term detoxification in its dictionary. The notion is usually used to refer to the neutralization and elimination of toxins (a toxic or harmful substance produced by a living being).

In the field of alternative medicine , the idea of ​​detoxification is often used to refer to the cleansing of the body that is carried out by removing toxins. In this way, better organic functioning is achieved.

Detoxification, in this framework, consists of eliminating substances that the body has accumulated over time even though it does not need them. This buildup can make the person feel tired and lacking vitality. That is why detoxification is a process that, in theory, allows an individual to have more energy .

It is important to keep in mind that detoxification is a natural capacity : the body is constantly responsible for neutralizing and eliminating toxins. However, with an excess of toxins, you may not be able to carry out this purification efficiently. It is in this framework where treatments that contribute to detoxification appear.

This type of treatment usually begins with the transformation of toxins through chemical reactions , achieved by a change in diet and other measures. Thus, the toxins lose toxicity and become water-soluble, favoring their elimination. The procedure can be complemented with a drainage task.

Beyond the wide range of detoxification options available, it is best to consult a trusted medical professional who is responsible for carrying out the necessary clinical analyzes to determine whether or not the development of some type of therapeutic action is necessary.

Despite the cultural differences that can be seen around the world, it is common for summer to be spent resting and traveling, something that is usually accompanied by an imbalance in nutrition . When we are on vacation we tend to eat more and out of hours, in addition to including products that are less suitable for our body than those that constitute our diet during the rest of the year.

DetoxificationThe excess of saturated fats, proteins, refined sugars and alcohol is directly proportional to the amount of toxins in our body, and to return to a balanced and healthy eating routine we need to go through a detoxification process that we can carry out ourselves, with a little discipline and perseverance .

Without a doubt, the fundamental step to achieve a successful detoxification is to stop eating less healthy foods, even if only for a while. It is about eliminating from our diet all those products that contain preservatives and additives, such as soft drinks, canned foods, fried foods, salts, sugars and refined cereals, dairy products and packaged juices.

There are also drops called Lynux Heliosar , which help the body carry out detoxification in the digestive system . This product can be incorporated into a diet based on vegetables, fruits, broths, legumes, seeds and nuts. Needless to say, it is not enough to stop eating harmful foods to purify the body; Among the most recommended are garlic, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and artichokes.

One of the best tips to keep the body free of impurities is to drink plenty of water daily: it is believed that the appropriate amount to achieve detoxification is around two liters. Mixing the juice of half a lemon in a glass of water and drinking it on an empty stomach also offers good results. The people most committed to this purification process avoid any solid food at least one day a week.