Definition of


Broken down car

The parts of a broken down car appear loose or separated.

The verb desvencijar refers to loosening, separating and/or breaking down the pieces of something that were, and should remain, joined together . That is why the action is linked to disarranging or taking apart an artifact, a machine or another object, even a symbolic one.

Losing cohesion

When something falls apart, it loses its normal cohesion . It no longer has the solidity that characterizes it, since its components become loose or separate. Let's suppose that a hurricane hits a house. The strong winds tear off the roof and the door and shatter the window panes. Therefore, it can be said that the hurricane in question managed to collapse the building .

Note that this word is used very frequently in everyday speech, despite its relative length and complexity, greater than those of “break” or “loosen”, for example. In any case, it is important to note that we must use it to talk about the whole, and not its parts : a table is desvencizza, and not its legs, since they “get out of adjustment”. It is necessary to understand this nuance in order to choose the appropriate verb according to the point of view of the description.

Symbolic meaning

In the symbolic sense, we speak of dismantling an argument or belief , to refer to dismantling, dismantling or refuting in a forceful manner that argument or belief. It implies destabilizing or discrediting the foundation or logical structure on which it is based.

A man, based on his beliefs or postulates lacking scientific rigor, can claim that vaccines are negative for humanity. Faced with this situation, a doctor is in a position to undermine his position with technical and statistical explanations that demonstrate that vaccines have saved millions of lives throughout history.

Let's take the case of an administration that chooses to take resources away from the state social security system in order to minimize its scope and thus reduce expenses. The opposition, in this context, claims that the authorities intend to dismantle this system.

Let's look at two example sentences with this meaning: "The expert demolished the opponent's argument with solid data and compelling evidence" , "The philosopher demolished society's long-held beliefs through deep and well-founded criticism" . In both cases, demolishing implies taking apart or weakening the elements that support the argument or belief, showing fallacies , contradictions, lack of evidence or faulty reasoning.


Below we see some sentences with the term desvencijar :

  • "This neoliberal government seeks to dismantle the State through a fierce adjustment" ;
  • "The continental bloc could fall apart if the two most powerful countries do not reach an agreement" ;
  • "In just a few minutes, the criminals took care of dismantling the car they had stolen" ;
  • «The old furniture fell apart when I tried to move it» ;
  • «The passage of time and lack of maintenance caused the door to fall apart» ;
  • «The earthquake left many houses in ruins, with cracked walls and damaged structures» ;
  • "As he sat down abruptly on the chair, it gave way and the man fell to the ground." ;
  • «The excessive weight of the luggage caused the suitcase to fall apart during the trip» .
dilapidated house

A rickety house no longer has the solidity that once characterized it.


The verb desvencijar has its origins in Old Spanish. It derives from the combination of two components: des- , a prefix indicating negation or inversion of meaning, and vencija or vijija , an old form of vejiga , which referred to "a bag or wrapping."

In its original sense, desvencijar was used to describe the act of “ breaking or undoing bladders,” that is, “opening or deflating bags or wrappings.” Over time, the meaning of the word was extended to include the concept of “taking apart or disassembling something that was joined or fastened together.”