Definition of


Before entering fully into the meaning of the term clearing, we are going to proceed to know its etymological origin. Specifically, we can establish that it is the result of the sum of two very different parts:

-The Latin prefix “des-”, which means “reversal of action”.

-The French verb “monter”, which is synonymous with “climb on top”.

Clearing is the process and result of clearing : removing plants and trees from a mountain . The dismantled region and the waste generated by the action are also known as clearing.

ClearanceFor example: “The government promised to take measures to stop clearing” , “This animal is in danger of extinction because its habitat has been harmed for decades by clearing” , “We should not allow the clearing of native forests” .

Generally, clearing is carried out with the objective of carrying out some productive or industrial activity. From an economic perspective, clearing a forest or jungle can make it possible to obtain raw materials (such as wood) or prepare the land for the development of construction (homes, hotels, etc.). However, clearing represents a problem for the environment since it affects the species that live in the area and, due to the felling of trees, makes the absorption of carbon dioxide difficult.

Many times clearing causes an imbalance that becomes noticeable with the passage of time or in some circumstances. The clearing of a mountain range , to cite one case, not only directly affects the flora and fauna of the place, but can even cause flooding in nearby towns: when the vegetation that contained the water disappears, the rainfall ends up reaching the cities located on lower lands.

In addition to everything indicated, we cannot ignore another series of consequences that the clearing carried out in the forests brings with it. We are referring to some as relevant as the following:

-It can cause the soil in those areas to stop being as productive as it was until that moment.

-The salts that exist in the ground are modified.

-In the same way, we must not overlook the fact that changes can occur in the water table levels.

-It can cause the animal species that live in the place to lose their habitat and this will significantly alter their survival. Likewise, this can mean that, for example, there are birds that find themselves having to carry out migratory movements and move to live in other areas where the conditions are more favorable for them.

In the context of civil engineering , clearing consists of excavating to lower the level of the land and establish a support plane that allows the execution of a specific work .

One of the most common reasons why clearing is carried out is to proceed with the construction of a road. In this way, tasks such as removing vegetation, moving earth, carrying out excavations are carried out...