Definition of


ParadeThe act of parading is called a parade : advancing in formation or in line. The concept is also used to name what happens when, from a certain place , one person after another leaves, almost constantly.

For example: “To commemorate the birth of the hero, tomorrow a military parade will be held in the Plaza Mayor” , “The fashion show will be broadcast live and direct to the entire country” , “I am exhausted: the customer parade by “The warehouse didn't stop all day.”

The idea of ​​a parade can be used to name the march that follows a certain route . These marches, which can take place on foot, in vehicles or on horseback, are usually carried out to celebrate or commemorate an event.

When the parade is carried out by members of the armed forces, it is called a military parade . Those who parade wear their uniforms, show their flags and may even display their weapons .

Military parades often include the participation of a musical band that is responsible for performing marches. In this way, the participants advance to the rhythm of the music .

Civic or civil parades , on the other hand, are carried out by people who do not belong to the army. Sometimes, these are demonstrations with social or political content, such as the gay pride parade .

International LGTBIQ Pride Day receives several names in everyday speech, many of which omit the acronym in favor of the word "gay", although this is not adequate to cover all the groups represented by this annual celebration , which has take place in many parts of the world on June 28 with the aim of promoting equality and tolerance. The meaning of this acronym is the following:

* lesbians : people who identify as women and who are attracted (either emotionally, physically, or both) to others who also identify as women;

* gays : individuals who identify as men and who, as happens with lesbians, are attracted to similar others;

Parade* trans : these are perhaps the members with the most complex sexuality of the parade, since they can be divided into more than one category . On the one hand we have transgender people, those people who feel identified with a gender other than the one assigned to them at the time of their birth. Transsexuals , on the other hand, are also transgender, but they undergo surgery to change their sex. Transvestites , finally, dress in clothing that is marketed to individuals of the opposite gender to their own;

* bisexuals : they are individuals who can be attracted to men and women;

* intersex : they are those whose genitals and sex have a discrepancy, so that they present feminine and masculine characteristics ;

* queer : this group includes all those individuals who do not belong to any of the previous categories.

The importance of this parade is that the day it is celebrated commemorates the beginning of the homosexual liberation movement , which took place in 1969 after the Stonewall riots , a phenomenon of social demonstration in response to a violent raid by part of the police during the early hours of the morning in a New York pub. As many other times in the past and, unfortunately, in the following decades, the authorities abused their power to unfairly punish a group of homosexuals, simply for not being heterosexual.

A fashion show , on the other hand, is an event that is held with the intention of presenting the collections of clothing designers. The models usually parade on a catwalk, showing off the clothes in front of the public and the cameras.